think i need another tent lol
Using these fabric pots for the next grow. had some hassle to begin with as when i added the soil, super thrive into the fabric pot and gave a soak the ph run off was 5.5 !?! The soil is the same bio bizz light mix. some extra vercilm shit i cant spell and to stonned to google. the water was the same as the bio bizz ph stated on the pack. 6.5. Im a little confused as to what happened, i flushed the soil up to 6.5 and drying them a little today under the light.
Using these fabric pots for the next grow. had some hassle to begin with as when i added the soil, super thrive into the fabric pot and gave a soak the ph run off was 5.5 !?! The soil is the same bio bizz light mix. some extra vercilm shit i cant spell and to stonned to google. the water was the same as the bio bizz ph stated on the pack. 6.5. Im a little confused as to what happened, i flushed the soil up to 6.5 and drying them a little today under the light.