little update: moving into week 6. all (knock on wood), seems to be healthy and happy. But they are getting too crowded, take a peak.....
i fuckn love it. every single time i see this little canopy.....
it has not been easy, its taken a real shit ton of work, mostly due to no experience so the learning curve just means learning what works and what doesn't, so next run it will be so much smoother (next seeds should be here soon!)
a lot of the work went into the woodworking/carpentry. i really had no idea of the scale in regards to the cannabis plant. so started with a 32"w x 28"d x 38"h cab, and a 2', 4 lamp T5 (this will be used as a small veg, starter room (gonna stick to autos for now, so its just convenient)
outgrow that, i had planned on this, kinda......i knew id run out of vert space, so i built a 'base' giving me 5 + ft of hight, but locked into the width and depth, bunch of work, used for like a week, then realize i need a real light, more space, real fan for this to be smething im happy doing, who wants sucky results after putting at least the time in?
moved to a shower stall, not used in a basement bath, framed it in,build door and jam, weather tight nice, but not a whole lot more space 3'x4', but felt like a big step up, more space, can fan, carbon scrub, 'cooltube' 400hps (wish i didnt get a cool tube), the works, well, works for a new guy works
they have out grown the shower stall, so... tomorrow, take out everything, build new jamb and door, on the opening to the stall and small part of bathroom, to give me another 1' x 3' of floor.
this is exceeding better part of my hid footprint, but i fear molds and rots and nastiness, so i want more circulation space to give the ladies some damn breathing room, can maybe fit a dehum in there who knows yet
so i am very happy they appear to be some healthy specimens, i enjoy the work and challenge, espeacially with results, hoping i make it all the way. im worried about the molds and whatnot. it is a basement, there were mold issue in past, summertimes, so i know theres lots of spores and shit, the bathroom im in was growing black mold or mold that is dark, on wall paper. but i took it down and painted it like a year ago and it hasnt came back
thanks for looking