New Grower Night Owl Milk & Qookies in a HydroBucket

Day 93. We're getting there. Current program

2ml calmag
3ml Purple
2ml Green
5ml Pink
2.5ml SLF100
4ml UC Roots

Stopped the silica. Starting Winter Frost and 2X SLF100 next week.
@GMEtotheMoon On a few DGC episodes it's come up for DWC. They've never gone into great detail about process but essentially ph water to target, add 1 teaspoon of recharge per gallon, pour it though the roots on clean days. Don't let it sit in the reservoir permanently. It's more for the roots above the water line.

When I do it. On clean days, I put the plant in another bucket. Poor 3.5 gallons of recharge through the basket. Clean my res. Dunk the roots in another clean bucket with 3.5 gallons a PHd water. Drop it back in the clean res. Just easier with clean up. Less mess.

Obviously with soil or coco. Just use it as directed.
Since we're on questions, @HashCakes how do you like the Hydrobucket? I am in the middle of my first grow with one and really like it (so much I bought 2). I cannot imagine going back to a standard 5 gallon now.
Since we're on questions, @HashCakes how do you like the Hydrobucket? I am in the middle of my first grow with one and really like it (so much I bought 2). I cannot imagine going back to a standard 5 gallon now.

It's nice. I got a little weirded out by the openings by the flap and started it in a regular bucket then switched back to the hydrobucket. Now that I know it's fine I'll use it regularly.

Was a good learning experience. In the future going to start in a 3.5 gal until the roots touch the bottom then switch to the hydrobucket. Fast easy changes while they are small and sensitive. Can clean as often as you want and waste very little until they are ready for the hydrobucket.
I use it from pop + 7-10 days to chop using a 6" basket lid. As soon as I have about a 3" root from the bottom of the root riot I put it in its final home and top water until root his res (current grow was about 24 hours)