New Grower Night Owl Milk & Qookies in a HydroBucket

Haven't done an update in a while. For some reason this site hates my time lapse videos and won't load em.

Day 52ish Between the PH pen fiasco and my fridged cold environment. This thing taking its sweet ass time. Still throwing huge hairs everywhere but no big show yet.

Did get an awesome light upgrade to the ChilLED x3 mini 200watt.

Current program.
2.5ml silica blast
2.5ml cal mag
2.5ml SLF100
5ml UCRoots
5ml GH Purple
5ml GH green
5ml GH pink


Thanks all.

Don't worry shadow it won't veg for an eternity. Lol.
Wow she’s gotten big! Found some of these of Hembragenetics this morning and ordered as soon as I saw them! Glad to see your lady is doing well.


Haven't been doing too many updates with this. Was vegging forever. Finally got a time lapse to load on here was from week 9. Flower in full swing now at day 69ishish.

Thing turning into a donkey. Still very light eater and drinker. Seems too really like PPM at only 675. PH been pegged at 5.9 for nearly 2 weeks. Res been so stable and clean I haven't bother cleaning it. Riding it out till the PH tanks. Back in the HydroBucket. Loving it for the last half.

Current regime:
5ml Silica Blast
2.5ml CalMag
4ml UC Roots
2.5ml SLF100
4ml GH micro
4ml GH gro
5ml GH bloom
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