New Grower Nico's Nuggets: Ruderalis the Menace


Mar 9, 2014
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Wedding Cake, Forbidden Gushers
Im surprised HT gave this response to these questions. :slaps:
Here is the link

Two letters, one good answer...

1) I have some plants that have not flowered for 30 days since I went to a 12/12 light cycle from a 24-hour veg cycle. This is a soil-based garden and average temp is about 85 degrees. They are getting watered and fed regularly. Any thoughts? Thanks, Bill.
2) I am a novice grower and have recently sprouted a seed that has begun to flower almost immediately. But it is only about six inches tall! I am curious as to what I have here and is there anything that I need to do because it doesn't seem to want to grow taller. I appreciate your feedback. Thank you. –Al.
Greetings everyone, and thanks to Bill and Al for supplying this week’s questions!
I decided to answer two questions this week, but not for generosity’s sake but rather because both questions likely have the same answer! I mentioned some of this two weeks ago in my post, so I suspect that some readers already know where this one is headed… One word: Ruderalis.
Cannabis is plant genus. Within this genus of Cannabis there are three species. We all know two of them: Indica and Sativa. Beautiful names! Ruderalis is an ugly name – and there is a reason for it. Ruderalis is a hardy, hemp-like variety of cannabis that is usually grown for it’s fibrous qualities, much like hemp. It contains very little cannabinoids like THC, and even less terpenoids – meaning it doesn’t taste or smell great.
Recently, however, a new phenomenon has caught on, particularly with lazy growers or hobbyists (mostly in Europe) and that is “auto-flowering” strains. These strains are derived from ruderalis, which is an auto-flowering species of cannabis, meaning flowering is not induced by the traditional method of altering the plants photoperiod. Why this is appealing or attractive to some people I still have not figured out, but needless to say these plants are not for serious growers.
True, the new auto-flowering varieties have now been crossbred with regular indica and sativa varieties, thereby increasing their potency and flavors. And they are also fairly mol- and pest-resistant which makes them attractive for cross-breeding purposes and some ruderalis strains possess high levels of CBD, but again those characteristics have already been bred into many mainstream lines, but still… I don’t get it. I suppose it’s a novelty, a gift you can give someone who does not want to be bothered and they can sit it on the window sill and then one day, Surprise!, you got a bud. But I digress…
To answer plainly, it is likely that both Bill and Al have auto-flowering plants mired with ruderalis genetics. I am curious as to where these seeds or plants came from, but if you purchased seeds from Europe there may be the answer. Unfortunately for both cases, there is not much that can be done as these issues are genetic. In the case of the no-show flowers, you could try to reduce the temperature of the root zone (medium) to force flowering or, conversely, transplant into a larger container as expanding roots sometimes trigger flowering as well. There is no rhyme or reason. Still, in both cases, I am sorry to say I recommend hitting the rest button and going with some new genetics.
Thanks for reading everyone and remember: Grow... And help the world grow, too!
Okay High Times ... Here we go

I suppose it’s a novelty, a gift you can give someone who does not want to be bothered and they can sit it on the window sill and then one day, Surprise!, you got a bud.

Answer: Wrong. Growing a photoperiod plant is much easier, Autos can get 4 harvests a year, potency of autos is up there with photoperiod (testing at around 20% thc)

Why this is appealing or attractive to some people I still have not figured out, but needless to say these plants are not for serious growers.



Probably around 1000g dry wrong!! in around 80 days Wrong!
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Okay High Times ... Here we go


Answer: Wrong. Growing a photoperiod plant is much easier, Autos can get 4 harvests a year, potency of autos is up there with photoperiod (testing at around 20% thc)




Probably around 1000g dry wrong!! in around 80 days Wrong!

There should be a 'Love' button here because I LOVE your answer.
that guy is in the wrong job.should be working for the SUN newspaper as the agony aunt or doing the horoscopes.
Yeah what blue said lol. I know we wouldn't be spending all this time and money on it if it weren't working lol. If you're in a commercial situation that needs to crank out lb's en masse then maybe autos isn't the choice. Yet for most people, autos are perfect.I will also note that because auto's often re-introduce native and "wild" genetics, they often contain aa more robust and "full figured" cannabinoid profile than a California recrestional photoperiod which is concerned with only THC for example. :)
Just makes himself sound uneducated about cannabis. You dont like autos? Fair enough many growers only grow photos but at least do your homework before you write an article about it :face:
I feel like posting:

"1991 called and wants it's opinion back."

I think it's probably a "Desire for inclusion to an admired group" thing.

It's sycophantic. He wants inclusion into a dialogue with "hero-status" photo growers but he has
no authority in that dialogue so he defers to and emulates other's opinions in order to gain authority.
Can't disagree with those you idolize...that would risk being ostracized.

It's unfortunate but ultimately evident truth trumps "old guard" thinking...

I think the real elite photo grower is threatened not only by the "leveling of the playing field" that
autos are exhibiting...the elite photo grower is threatened by legalization. They used to have a
monopoly on running the underworld genetic scene and therefore what people ended up buying
from their dealer. That is all collapsing around them...once yield becomes less of a concern...
(because time frame compensates so effectively and because fewer and fewer grows are considered
a commodity but rather a smaller, personal endeavor) photos and the people who are at the elite
of that realm curry less idolatry and fame. They also used to be kings of a more dangerous hill
and that danger is (slowly) being removed.

So many things to threaten and prod at their identities and egos...

It doesn't excuse it, but I get it.
I have only grown Autos and that is all I have been smoking the last few months. Obviously I cant say whether they are easier to grow than photos but IMHO there is no question the smoke is as good or better than what I have smoked in the past which I assume was all photo plants. I don't have a THC% test kit but I do know that I sat the other night and watched a very stupid Tv show for a long time and thought it was funny. It is not a funny show. I was high! :)
Well That Was Bias Give it time this SOB will be on the auto train how can you not be especially for personal use