So, backstory time, I have a fair number of friends that grow and I'd been considering growing for a long time. I have pretty severe back issues, and at the very least need something to take as an alternative to opiates to keep my tolerance from getting too high. Presently I do 3 weeks on and 1 week off so they remain effective, unfortunately that week off of pills is hell.
After the election last year(US) kept the current administration I figured there would be no enforcement change. For those outside of the US, while states have legalized medical and recreational, it's still against federal law, so the only thing keeping it "legal" is the administration not enforcing the federal law.
At that point I got serious about it, and wanted to do things on my own and actually learn, instead of taking a ready made setup from a friend and following his instructions, never really learning anything. So, I went to the internet, only to find, well, a bunch of pot heads that all have differing opinions on how to grow with no real science behind it. That is, until I read an article somewhere about DP's work with autoflowers, that eventually led me here, to a DP grow. Where I discovered an extremely knowledgeable and helpful community. At that point I still wasn't looking to grow autoflowers, but after my grower friends dismissed autoflowers as ditch weed with low potency and low yields I knew I had to do an auto grow.
On to the present, my first grow is going well, and has given me proof that it's something I can do, that my space will accommodate, etc. Now, as much as I like the challenge of auto plants, with the 12/12 flowering cycle I can grow twice as many plants for the same electrical and cooling needs, which, being a renter is my biggest limitation.
Now the question, what should I grow? I'm limited to 12 plants, so growing a large number of small plants is out. I'd like to be able to unload any overages from growing, so the plants will need to be high THC in order to unload it to other patients or dispensaries. I'm presently growing in room with 8 foot ceilings, so headroom isn't an issue. So, I guess I'm asking for the same as everyone else that's ever asked. A heavy yielding, heavy hitting, great tasting, and unique smoke. Hopefully a couple choices, maybe one with a nice energetic high and one that will leave you stoned. I'm attracted to the Wombat seeds from Blim Burn...but it might just be the name
Regardless of what we come up with, it's probably not as good of a solution as taking clones from friends and getting a known, high quality plant, but once again. I like to do things on my own instead of just copying them.
Thanks for any help you guys can provide!
After the election last year(US) kept the current administration I figured there would be no enforcement change. For those outside of the US, while states have legalized medical and recreational, it's still against federal law, so the only thing keeping it "legal" is the administration not enforcing the federal law.
At that point I got serious about it, and wanted to do things on my own and actually learn, instead of taking a ready made setup from a friend and following his instructions, never really learning anything. So, I went to the internet, only to find, well, a bunch of pot heads that all have differing opinions on how to grow with no real science behind it. That is, until I read an article somewhere about DP's work with autoflowers, that eventually led me here, to a DP grow. Where I discovered an extremely knowledgeable and helpful community. At that point I still wasn't looking to grow autoflowers, but after my grower friends dismissed autoflowers as ditch weed with low potency and low yields I knew I had to do an auto grow.
On to the present, my first grow is going well, and has given me proof that it's something I can do, that my space will accommodate, etc. Now, as much as I like the challenge of auto plants, with the 12/12 flowering cycle I can grow twice as many plants for the same electrical and cooling needs, which, being a renter is my biggest limitation.
Now the question, what should I grow? I'm limited to 12 plants, so growing a large number of small plants is out. I'd like to be able to unload any overages from growing, so the plants will need to be high THC in order to unload it to other patients or dispensaries. I'm presently growing in room with 8 foot ceilings, so headroom isn't an issue. So, I guess I'm asking for the same as everyone else that's ever asked. A heavy yielding, heavy hitting, great tasting, and unique smoke. Hopefully a couple choices, maybe one with a nice energetic high and one that will leave you stoned. I'm attracted to the Wombat seeds from Blim Burn...but it might just be the name

Regardless of what we come up with, it's probably not as good of a solution as taking clones from friends and getting a known, high quality plant, but once again. I like to do things on my own instead of just copying them.
Thanks for any help you guys can provide!