Indoor Next attempt and 1st journal


2 weeks for larger and 10 days for smaller. Been feeding 490 ppm at 5.8-6.0. Quart a day each. The Makeda(1st pic) starting to get some yellow on edges of the leaves. Gave all plants recharge today and upping to 540ppm
Also dropped temp to 72. Can't get humidity over 50-55% as it's getting colder and drier outside. I know vpd says I should be 65 degrees at that humidity but that just seems so cold
It is humid outside, drier because of the heat inside. I would try and keep it a little warmer for better growth especially when they are small.
You must have your soil fairly wet to have that much algae growing on top so soon into the grow? Watch it or you might get a fungus Gnat invasion.
It is humid outside, drier because of the heat inside. I would try and keep it a little warmer for better growth especially when they are small.
You must have your soil fairly wet to have that much algae growing on top so soon into the grow? Watch it or you might get a fungus Gnat invasion.
Been keeping it at 78 degrees so far until today. Pics were taken like 5 minutes after today's watering so haven't even drained yet really in the pics. Coco, reused. Pretty normal for me to have green perlite even fresh with the Coco. They'll get a run through of mosquito bits before they go into the autopots hopefully next weekend and the combination of those 2 has been great for the gnats so far. The bits always did me good in the past and since I got the autopots, the only thing that has really gone well for me has been no bugs at all
Been keeping it at 78 degrees so far until today. Pics were taken like 5 minutes after today's watering so haven't even drained yet really in the pics. Coco, reused. Pretty normal for me to have green perlite even fresh with the Coco. They'll get a run through of mosquito bits before they go into the autopots hopefully next weekend and the combination of those 2 has been great for the gnats so far. The bits always did me good in the past and since I got the autopots, the only thing that has really gone well for me has been no bugs at all
Yes, I use the liquid for ponds. 1 drop per watering. Since it is for ponds it a bottle treats like 5000 gallons.
I could be wrong but I think 2 things are possible, (from google so worth testing/verifying)

"What is the pH of perlite in soil?
  • It has a pH of 6.6 to 7.5. Add perlite to your soil for plants which need their soil to dry out between waterings, such as cacti or succulents. Perlite is great for seed starting mixes and blending your own custom potting soil mix Helps lighten and loosen heavy, compacted soils"

That on top of I think your pH for water/nutrient solution should be 5.7 at the highest, not sure about the lowest. Just what I would check first. When I was growing in straight coco I lowered to 5.7pH till they looked like they were doing really good, didn't check the low end of pH.

If the perlite is making pH of medium rise, may need lower than 5.7pH, just to get into the good zone. Also, problem I am having right now, my 300ppm tap takes 3-4 days to stop making my water pH rise, so I make and pH water in a week advance, at least, to using it now.
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I could be wrong but I think 2 things are possible, (from google so worth testing/verifying)

"What is the pH of perlite in soil?
  • It has a pH of 6.6 to 7.5. Add perlite to your soil for plants which need their soil to dry out between waterings, such as cacti or succulents. Perlite is great for seed starting mixes and blending your own custom potting soil mix Helps lighten and loosen heavy, compacted soils"

That on top of I think your pH for water/nutrient solution should be 5.7 at the highest, not sure about the lowest. Just what I would check first. When I was growing in straight coco I lowered to 5.7pH till they looked like they were doing really good, didn't check the low end of pH.
This is straight Coco/perlite. No soil in there. Like 70/30-60/40. They've all been self flushed and self buffered and precharged. Flushed with 6.5, buffered with 5.5, and precharged with 5.8. 75ppm, 200ppm, 250ppm
Yes, I use the liquid for ponds. 1 drop per watering. Since it is for ponds it a bottle treats like 5000 gallons.
I take a gallon of feed out of the rez bucket and just throw in a small handful of the bits, let it sit overnight and stir it a couple times, then pH and top water. I usually do that for my last hand watering before going into the autopots around 3 weeks from sprout
This is straight Coco/perlite. No soil in there. Like 70/30-60/40. They've all been self flushed and self buffered and precharged. Flushed with 6.5, buffered with 5.5, and precharged with 5.8. 75ppm, 200ppm, 250ppm

Correct, no soil, doesn't make a difference, imo, cannabis like slightly acidic soil/medium. Slightly acidic = 5.5-6.5, neutral medium = 6.5-7.5, from my research on the topic.

I could be wrong, from reading It says perlite has 'no pH buffer capablilites', only looked quickly, but even straight coco (no perlite), I needed 5.7pH nutrient solution, at the highest, before the plants would grow well.

If perlite does affect soil pH (make it rise), then maybe 5.5 pH or lower even.

Just based off my experiences with coco, and I am currently having the same thing now since I just found out my res pH needs so long to stabilize. My pH keeps rising and messing up my plants.

(pic below) - All plants in coco or soil, 5.7pH for everything, watering ~700ppm/~1.3 e.c.(including 200ppm tap) every watering. 1 bottle general purpose nutes only. everything 12,12

Only watered when pots felt light or plant showed sign of needing water (pretty much both happen near the same time).
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Correct, no soil, doesn't make a difference, imo, cannabis like slightly acidic soil/medium. Slightly acidic = 5.5-6.5, neutral medium = 6.5-7.5, from my research on the topic.

I could be wrong, from reading It says perlite has 'no pH buffer capablilites', only looked quickly, but even straight coco (no perlite), I needed 5.7pH nutrient solution, at the highest, before the plants would grow well.

If perlite does affect soil pH (make it rise), then maybe 5.5 pH or lower even.

Just based off my experiences with coco, and I am currently having the same thing now since I just found out my res pH needs so long to stabilize. My pH keeps rising and messing up my plants.
I've never found nutrients that really stabilize at all. I just mix a 4 gallon bucket at a time and adjust it every day. Even these new nutes I'm using go from 5.8-6.2 in 3 days before settling in. I mix in a separate bucket and pH a day before dumping into the rez to give it more of a chance to settle. My initial opinion is that I'm giving too much calmag and in turn not enough feed, just to keep my ppms in range. My tap water plus calmag is like 185 of the total ppms, leaving me with less then 375ppm of actual nutrients. Light feeding schedule with these is 565ppm veg with ro water....