New Grower Newbie LED grow help

Jan 8, 2015
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Hey guys, absolute noob with growing so I thought it'll be best if I started with auto fems.
I just ordered some 'Gnomo Automatic' from seeds bank and looking to closet grow possibly one plant to start with under some sort of cheap LED UFO like the unit Mars Hydro offer.

Now, I'm on a tight budget and hoping for any constructive input from where to go from here as I'm having a terrible time sifting through different forums to gather the correct info for my relatively simplistic setup.

What the plan is so far

- Feminised Autoflower (Gnomo Automatic)
- Closet grow op

I would absolutely appreciate ANY constructive input on equipment necessary for a LED closet grow on the cheap.

Thanks in advance
Hi Totem! :)

Welcome to AFN!

:welcome: :welcome: :welcome:

I'm an LED closet grower with a 60cmx60cm cab. I like to keep things nice and easy.

How tight is your budget?

You've come to the right place, we're not like other canna forums - you'll get good advice here without most of the BS egos and nonsence you find on other forums :)

Things you'll almost definately need:

A decent extraction fan and a carbon filter. You can buy these in kits (fan and filter combos) but don't cheap out on this bit if smell will be an issue down the line (because they'll really smell when flowering withou them)

I don't know much about cheap LEDs, I use a GrowNorthern MS0006 - but we've got plenty of Mars LED growers here, so hopefully someone can give you some advice on that!

Soil or Coco ... I prefer coco - but i always get the premium stuff (thats canna coco professional plus). I find it easier. Either way, you'll need a good medium to ensure your plant has a happy life.

How big an area do you need to light .. because this is a factor too (which will also impact how much extraction you'll need)

It doesnt need to be expensive, but there are some things you don't want to short cut - like safety and smell :)

Hope some of this helps a little

alll the best

Blue ^_^
If it comes to Cheap and prooven Leds i would suggest Marshydro. I have 2 of their old Model 180 w Ufos and when i bought my first One i replaced my 400w Hps with it. Got a better Result wit that One Ufo tha before. Like Blue mentioned i would at least save some Money for a Outtake Fan Set with a Carbon Filter. Safety First!!!! Whats the Size of Your Cabinat You planning to grow in? My 2 Ufos are hanging in a 90x60x160cm Cabinet and this one is shiney Bright now.
Roughly how much are those UFO's these days medic?

I was just looking at the TOPled thread here and apparently the reflector series may be going down in price as a new model is emerging.
I don't know much about these lights - but we got a whole thread dedicated so we got a good deal of first hand info here


$97 dollars for this - seems quite cheap to me!
They had a real good Price drop i payed for my new one 65.- euros. They are on the Site for 75.99 dollars atm.
If you wanna get adventurous I guess you could try something like this
I don't actually know how COB stacks up in heat, power and efficiency, but at least the unit is very small.

I bought a 150W UFO light directly from China and it wasn't exactly what I expected (arrived broken, 30W actual power). I still have high hopes for it, though.
Hey Guys

Thanks for all the feed back and info,

I found some growing tents on ebay, I was wondering if that would be useful.

In regards to dimensions of where the plant will be growing looking at about (520mm x 460mm x 1500mm)

so with that, what type of extraction fan would you recommend as well as what model LED.

Also as for the soil I am in New Zealand so will the coco? be easy and cheap to obtain and if not what types of soil would be ideal.

If links for recommendations could be posted that would help heaps.
