New Grower Newbie Grow

Blurple 18/6

Nutrients every other when they are ready, until flower then maybe every feed if they can take it.

@420Forever @Frenjamin Banklin Thanks for the feed back. I turned the lights off for six, but the levels in the tent went a little out of whack. Humidity way up, and temps down. I should say I have a window open in the room, because it seems to be helping keep humidity in a good range. I did lights out at night though, I’m guessing I should do it during the day when it’s a lot warmer and things should be fine.

Onto good news: The CDLC is sprouting it’s second set of leaves!


The SC is about a day behind. The leaves are kinda droopy though. Nice and green, just...droopy.


As for the third that never popped, I dug it up today. Seed was just black, no opening. I rinsed it, soaked for a few hours, gave it a gentle crack, and replanted. It was green inside, does that mean there’s still life in there? I guess we’ll see in a few days.

I started soaking another in a shot glass just in case.


I’m wondering if I should try the paper towel method, or just straight into the pots like I have been. Kinda experimenting with all kinds of things, so I can learn as much as possible.

I really only meant to grow two plants, ‘cause it’s my first grow, & now I might end up with four, what have I done?! :crying:

*Also, I’ll start taking pictures with a real camera soon, not just a phone, so they’ll come out a lot better. Thanks again for support!*


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Depending upon where you live you may get a lower rate during off peak hours. I run my lights at night. It’s also easier to cool and I like to know I’m home and will hear the smoke alarm if there is an issue.

The five gallon plants got their first nute feed, and are looking good. I kept it light, just to be on the safe side.

The CDLC (Day 12) is getting tall, almost tipped over!


The Sour Crack (Day 11) is just bushing out.


Finally got a Northern Cheese Haze (Day 7) above ground, which is also doing well.


Only concerns are the cotyledon leaves on the older plants, which are getting yellow-ing. No signs of nute burn or anything else on the rest of the plants, just those leaves:



The five gallon plants got their first nute feed, and are looking good. I kept it light, just to be on the safe side.

The CDLC (Day 12) is getting tall, almost tipped over!

View attachment 1096581

The Sour Crack (Day 11) is just bushing out.

View attachment 1096582

Finally got a Northern Cheese Haze (Day 7) above ground, which is also doing well.

View attachment 1096583

Only concerns are the cotyledon leaves on the older plants, which are getting yellow-ing. No signs of nute burn or anything else on the rest of the plants, just those leaves:

View attachment 1096586
View attachment 1096587

that'z normal for the cotyledon leavez & nuthin to worry bout...they die off naturally around this stage ;) ppp
@420Forever Thanks, I was a little worried, haha

I topped the Sour Crack today (Day 15). Fingers crossed it takes it well!



Haven’t defoliated yet. Not really sure what to take away. Looking through the forums for ideas. Any suggestions?
Bad news, ya’ll: one of the plants currently has spider mites. Found then yesterday, but wasn’t able to deal with it then. Picked up some neem oil today, and going to spray all the plants.

I looked around and some people are saying to use dish soap as well, kinda like gnat traps. Anyone else deal with these?