Indoor Newbie germinating Bubba Trouble

Jul 18, 2018
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Greetings, I received my order of five BT seeds on Saturday and popped 2 into a glass of water overnight to soak for around 8 hours. Sunday morning they went into rapid rooters that were flipped upside down for a more stable base and placed just deep enough to cover the seeds. The seeds and RRs were mist'ed with water as they sat on a ceramic plate and a light-proof humidity dome was placed on top of them. I placed the plate on top of a cable box and left it alone for around 8 hours. That night I checked on them and the plate was entirely dry as well as the bottom of the RR. As a result, I felt that the cable box was getting them too warm and moved them into the grow tent while re-misting everything a bit again. The tent stays at about 75-77 degrees.

How long should I give the seeds to germinate before trying another two? I think I will try the Mephisto method with a dvd case on top of a router next time and just transplant them to a RR with tweezers.

I ask this because I have germinated Nirvana Blue Mystic and White Widow using mostly this method (they were on a plate in the humidity dome but just sitting on top of a cold fridge) and they were all popped by this point in time.

I realize I am being extremely impatient and chomping at the bit but I really can't wait to get this whole thing going and waiting for the seeds and then for them to pop has been EXCRUCIATING so just looking for some more info.

I will be starting my newbie grow log hopefully in a couple to a few weeks when I have some progress to show. If I start it sooner it is because things are REALLY going bad lol. Thank you for taking the time to read my post!
1 has popped already now for sure and I think the other one is already starting as well actually! :)
I have no experience with rooters myself but I say give them a couple days at least I germinate 5-7 days sometimes. All seeds are different keep that in mind when growing new strains.
Update: I have moved them both into their spots.

I am running 2 of the veg lights out of the 6 about 8 inches away



The water has extremely light nutes, RapidStart, and Hydroguard.
I have also opened up all of the bottom screen type vents and turned on the exhaust fan because it seems like the little white fan wasn't doing near enough. The temps have dropped to around 78% but the RH just stays around 40-45% now ;(.

Does anyone see any issues with anything?

Thank you for the beautiful babies Magic!!
They're individual 5 gallon bubble buckets. No central res.

I put the humidity dome and light blocker over the right one because it is struggling to pick up or move at all.
The other is already showing teeny tiny single-finger leaves between the cotyledons and is rocking.

They both have 200 & 203 ppm of nutes and I think that may have been too early on the one on the right :( Lesson learned. If she doesn't get a lot stronger by Saturday I will just germ a new one and cull her. I feel bad that she has died for my sins though.
So the truth is I kind of dropped the one on the right as I was putting her into the bubble bucket (maybe like 6 inch drop). She has only withered and gotten skinnier since that picture :( I have another seed germing now that I JUST started and if somehow by miracle all 3 pull it out I will simply be getting a 4x4 tent to move all of them into when they get bigger.

Honestly, I will probably move to the 4x4 anyway as soon as I can and it makes logical sense. Two QB260w lighting kits(4 qb288v2 lighting boards in total) in the 2x4 is feeling like insane overkill lol. The 6 inch inline fan is also pulling too much air even when set at lowest setting and pulling in the sides of the 2x4 hard.

Another question, I have two air pumps. A 6 port one that shoots a crapton of air but gets HOT and the air it shoots out is much warmer. The other pump is a 4 port Gen. Hydroponics pump that is much cooler and quieter but does not put out nearly as much air. I am currently going with the 6 port one even though it actually raises the water temp by two degrees compared to the 4 port one. So which should I actually be using? Should I just try some scientific method stuff on this and do a plant on each pump to compare results? I figured without using clones though this wouldn't give me enough exact information since there are too many other variables at play. I do realize I am overthinking things a tiny bit this early in my adventure but sorry for how my mind works.
Just a bit of an update. I have the one plant going and the other that is germinating has pushed above the rapid rooter but he is still wearing his seed helmet. As soon as I see those cotyledons I will put it in the bubble bucket and make sure that I keep it nice and moistened and try to get it as humid as possible in there. I have freshly cleaned an ultrasonic humidifier and have distilled water to run through it but I am wondering if I should use it in the room at large or in the actual intake of the tent since I am having such high air movement anyway?

Here you can see the pH of the water on day 5 after I stole quite of bit of water from the other bucket. I have had to adjust pH a bit since I wasn't pre-aerating the water, but now that I have learned more from some incredibly knowledgeable people here I have now made a bucket that is always aerating water outside the tent covered and I am not having swings like before. (You can also see how chewed up my nail is since I am so anguished about murdering the first girl and worried about getting this whole thing started correctly LOLOL)

Here is the sole survivor right now but she will be joined shortly by a sister. I know the Rapid Rooter looks fairly dry but it looks like chocolate cake right below the hydroton, I'm not sure if that is good or bad really lol.

My RH is between 35-55% and temps are between 71-90. The res stays around 75-78 for some reason and makes me wonder if I really need to invest in Insulated Sports Coolers like I was going to later down the line. I have an Exhale bag started and it should be at full strength by the end of August, start of September so hopefully it will make a difference this grow and I have my last two seeds which are another set of Bubba Trouble to make use of it anyway.

I did LST before by training the plants in my first ever grow but I think this time I am not going to do anything past leaf tucking later on since they have a good amount of room to move although I understand that the HLGs I will be flowering with should be at LEAST 18" away. Also, the chain link holding it up is only temporary until I receive my last pieces and they will be changed to the usual rope hangers.

P.S: Sorry the pics are so fucking huge.