Hi Everyone - Its time for the weekly update … first I have to say .. I love the temperature controller … it has been a blessing with the temperatures and humidity .. the temperatures are staying around 77 F -- I have it set for a 2 degree various and humidity stays between 35-54% … I think this week I am going to put the humidifier on a timer so that the it goes off when the lights go off... it might stay around 40% as I believe the DD and LH are at Preflower … I had the nutrients at 650 PPM and 5.8 PH in the res. However I noticed that the Lemon Haze and 2 dark devil received nute burn ( at least that what I think it was) and I dropped the PPM to 550 by add PH 5.8 water. The nute burn has seemed to stop but I notice all three are drooping now so I am thinking its too light of a mix so now I am thinking to up it to 600 PPM's tomorrow .. I diluted the res on Thursday .. Please look at the pictures below and let me know what you think?
Lemon Haze - 23 days old - She has been on the auto pot system for a week today.
She has been growing like a weed (no pun intended) since I have had her on the Auto pot system .. She had a slow start I think she is making up for loss time... she is growing so fast that I opened her up with LST this morning and she was almost all filled in when I came home this evening...
LH - Nute burn .. Sorry for the crappy shot .. tried holding the camera with on hand .. but If you look at the edges you can see where it was going brown.
Tangerine Dream - 20 Days old Today … 450 PPM of nutes and 5.8 PH. but brought it The picture is deceiving because it makes it look like her leaves are touching the sides of the pot but they not all of them are .. 2 sets are but the rest are not... .. I could put her on the Auto pot system but I am thinking of waiting a bit as first I want to bring her up in PPMs by hand feeding her to match the PPM in the res … plus I have read to turn the auto pot system on once all their leaves are touching the sides of the pot and her leaves are not yet. So I am thinking based on these two factors that I am probably going to wait a week then turn on the auto pot system for her too. I have all the lines to the pots with inline shut off valves so I just need to turn on her valve next week. One of her leaves was touching the soil because LST. maybe I should have waited until she was tall enough and her leaves wouldn't touch the soil. I have her name tag in the soil under the leaf so that it holds it up off the soil ..
Dark Devils x 2 - 29 Days old - On Autopot system for 1 week and 1 day.
DD Samara - I think the fluctuation of heat and cold really caused some issues for her. I think it stunted her … she isn't growing as full and rapid as her Sister Lilith … plus I don't think the nute burn helped her either .. I also noticed tonight that both their trunks have purple in them .. I questioning if more cal-mag is needed, I am giving them 3ml per gallon or a deficiency or if its the genetic of the DD?
DD - Samara - Some of her leaves are still growing huge ..She has some LST but I am doing a lot of leaf tucking as her come of her branches aren't long enough yet. Her main cola though is growing well I am LST ing it to keep it low so that the other branches have a chance to grow .. Not sure of what I am doing by LST her main cola is right or wrong.
DD -Lilith - Lilith is doing very well I think . Except for a bit of nute burn .. she is flourishing. I am able to LST all her branches and open her up so that light hits all of her nodes …