Live Stoner Chat new to growing

Hi Easy-Tiger:

Welcome. There are many qualified growers in this forum and we are willing to help you become a better farmer. So some questions are in order: are you a soil or hydro grower? What kind of LEDs are you using? Do you grow Autos or Photoperiod plants. What are your environmental conditions - Temperatures, Humidity, air flow, water source and type in your grow area and do you have the tools to measure these things? Answer these questions and we can steer you to a sub forum for specific help for your kind of grow.

hi man o
got mars 96 reflector, auto's, temps day 26 night 23, rh steady 40, 5" rhino rvk fan,9|" oscillating fan
soil pm supreme, 60x60x170 tent and yep got what I need tools wise
cheers for the time mate
hi man o
got mars 96 reflector, auto's, temps day 26 night 23, rh steady 40, 5" rhino rvk fan,9|" oscillating fan
soil pm supreme, 60x60x170 tent and yep got what I need tools wise
cheers for the time mate
Ok looks like you are well equipped. I am mostly a hydro farmer indoors although I used living soil before my back went bad. I simply cannot move that dirt around and pumps do all my heavy lifting now. Geez I even hurt my back the other day just leaning over to look at the trichomes with my lupe. Getting old is not for the weak. I will sub in to your journal and contribute when I can. One of the many qualified growers on here that you should follow is @autobeast He is a master with autos.
Hey. Welcomed to a great forum with alot of friendly people and more information about growing then needed. The vibe here is very good, and if you got some deficiencys or other problem, help is just around the corner. I hope you will enjoy it here. :smokeout:
Couple of pics


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Welcome @easy-tiger. Your plants look great, you should get some nice buds.

AFN is a very friendly place with an amazing supply of knowledgeable and helpful people on board from pretty much all around the globe. I hope you enjoy your time here. :cheers: