Live Stoner Chat new to growing

Hi Easy-Tiger:

Welcome. There are many qualified growers in this forum and we are willing to help you become a better farmer. So some questions are in order: are you a soil or hydro grower? What kind of LEDs are you using? Do you grow Autos or Photoperiod plants. What are your environmental conditions - Temperatures, Humidity, air flow, water source and type in your grow area and do you have the tools to measure these things? Answer these questions and we can steer you to a sub forum for specific help for your kind of grow.
Welcome my friend, second grow eh? Almost a professional then any pictures pal ?
Welcome my friend, second grow eh? Almost a professional then any pictures pal ?
Got a couple of heavyweight short and sweet


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Looking very good there pal...............very good. Do keep in touch. .............eP.