Outdoor New to growing comments please

My other plants

These are my other plants on my balcony.
Looking good, just make sure to take care of those spider mites both inside and out before starting new plants or they'll just keep passing from plant to plant.
Just been having a good look at the plants and can find no webbing or moving soil. :confused:
they are tiny. handheld microscope might help if you have one, never had them but i hear theyre easy to miss.
check undersides of leaves etc
Spider mites aren't in the soil, they hang out on the leaves of the plant. The damage to the first plant you posted is almost unmistakably spider mite damage, and in one of the pictures of a bud I saw webbing that corroborated that. They're teeny tiny so a hand scope helps, but you should be able to spot them by eye. What did you spray your bud with to kill them?
We sprayed them with Expelex spray 3 to 4 days ago.Should we cut them now before they get worse, as it does not look to bad at the moment. They should be cut in about 3 weeks.
Let'em finish...ya can't help the damage you've already experienced but ya can save future grows from infestation by fighting them now as hard as ya can....a DE dusting sill show ya just how infested ya are....mites are tough critters and will definitely ruin a crop or two without intervention....hope ya have access to good stuff to fight with....outside you are at the mercy of outside...inside you are more likely to be successful if ya hit'em hard and often .....good luck.
Thank you for all your help. Will let you know how we get on. :smoke:
No mention of what your pH is. If it is spider mites you should see some string like webs in the buds. You said you already sprayed them, what did you use? If they are mites, you will probably have to spray them again 3-4 days after the first time, depending on what you used. Most insecticides only kill the adults, not the eggs, so more will hatch, hence the need to spray them again.
Hey man :) those are bug bytes for sure. Not sure about spider mites or others. You mentioned a white bug, those are White flies.

Here's what you do:

Hold the main stem at the bottom next to the soil and gently rock it a bit, moving the plant. If there's White flies they'll fly around. Next inspect under the leafs. Inspect the ones with the White marks first and then the others. Here's what you can expect:

. Small White/yellow eggs the size of 0,5mm to 1mm - White flie's eggs, usually in clusters.
. White flies
. Small pin point dark spots - those can be spider mites; to be sure just rub one of those spots with your finger. If it leaves a small track of blood it WAS a mite, if not it was just dust or some small piece of dirt.

What you can do at this time of the grow is to clean each leaf separately with some water with a bit of soap. Not all the leafs! Just the ones with eggs and spider mites. If you have many White flies you can either vacuum clean them from the air when you brush the stem :))) or just thumb them suckers down against the leafs or wherever they land!

I advise you to get some neem cold pressed oil as a preventive for foliar and watering feeds on your other plants.

That's it from me :)