New Grower New Start-Lowryder Mix


Cultivators Club
Jan 6, 2013
Reaction score
Well, Good Morning All.

My first grow ended in disaster as she developed mold. I was able to save some, not all of her buds. Really airy buds.

No sorrow as I am learning and if anyone said their first few grows were perfect, don`t believe it.

Anyway, I began another bean germinating yesterday and will start again.

So here goes my journal.

Strain - Lowryder Mix
Soil - Fox Farm Ocean Forest - will cut in half with peat moss and perlite.
Lights - 5 100 watt CFL. No tent or grow box, just hanging over top
Nutes - General Organics Grow, Bloom and Cal/Mag

While I am upset how she ended up, I will learn and continue to learn how to do it right. I think my lights were too close and never allowed it to open and stretch.

Love to hear your feedback
Hey Jackson,

Glad to see you have a new grow going on here. This time you can get assistance when before you start to have issues. Journalizing your grow gets a lot more people's eyes into the mix.

Also it is a great way to have new friends stop in and get to know you.

Kudo's and good luck. I will be in from time to time to see how you are doing.

Good Morning Friends-

Well my bean sprouted this morning! I planted her in MG Organic seed starter mix in a 16oz Solo cup. I will continue to update all of you as it progresses.

All of you have been so helpful. Thank you.