New growth looking silverish and drooping on some of my plants

Dec 6, 2018
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It's my first auto run and I'm wondering why they are drooping this way plus the color if you can see from the pic.

I'm on day 26. I started feeding til runoff twice a day a few days ago. Growing in coco coir, nutes are masterblend


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It's my first auto run and I'm wondering why they are drooping this way plus the color if you can see from the pic.

I'm on day 26. I started feeding til runoff twice a day a few days ago. Growing in coco coir, nutes are masterblend
A little droop, but otherwise a good and healthy looking plant. Exercise patience while she is in early growth.
she looks ok my friend also why are you watering twice a day just curious
she looks ok my friend also why are you watering twice a day just curious

Thanks bro. I thought I had to. I didn't end up watering 2x in my first photos grow. I had in my notes that I should be feeding 2x by now with the autos. This drooping is gone on almost every other plant when I came back to them. Seems like they're doing much better. I changed my dose with calcium nitrate to barely any now because I'm meant to cut it off at the start of week 4
Just feed once daily as they grow a little but make sure you water to run off to stop build up and why they are young I'd just lift the pot as you will know by the weight when it needs food
Just feed once daily as they grow a little but make sure you water to run off to stop build up and why they are young I'd just lift the pot as you will know by the weight when it needs food

How they're looking currently. All drooping is pretty much gone


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How they're looking currently. All drooping is pretty much gone
they look great my friend also sometimes your plants may look droopy just before lights out also when there hungry you just learn to read them :smoking::pass:if you need anything just tag me growbro and real nice to meet you
they look great my friend also sometimes your plants may look droopy just before lights out also when there hungry you just learn to read them :smoking::pass:if you need anything just tag me growbro and real nice to meet you

For sure bro thanks for helping me out like this
they look great my friend also sometimes your plants may look droopy just before lights out also when there hungry you just learn to read them :smoking::pass:if you need anything just tag me growbro and real nice to meet you

I'm gonna see about topping them next week. I've heard mixed opinions on LST what's ur stance? Wondering if I should because I did do them for my photos in my first grow
For sure bro thanks for helping me out like this
no problem bro ya welcome i know its hard to not worry a little but there tough little fuckers and with topping the ball is in your court may be top a few and see how they go but i can tell you something its gonna get packed in there soon