New Grower New grower

So day 25 some good growth for both ladys more so the purple punch after topping which is good, but as you can see in the pics I have 2 fan leaves that are basically dead. Not sure if it's from shock from the topping or if it's from over watering, because I did have quite a bit of run off after watering. I have not fed yet but I plan to tomorrow after I tidy up the tent. What does everyone think? @autobeast is this shock from topping? Should I cut them off? My light is about 26" from the plant.


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A few better pics of the damaged leaves


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Should I leave the stem? i think I've seen that somewhere on this site. Cause less stress possibly?
Should I leave the stem? i think I've seen that somewhere on this site. Cause less stress possibly?

nah, not the stem of the leaf ur snippin...jus snip the whole thing off at the main stalk of the plant ;) a whole new branch will be growin out of there anyway, if it izn't already :thumbsup: ppp
Here's a pic of the leaves tucked on the purple punch, bottom set of leaves still need to grow out but eight grow points as of now


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nah, not the stem of the leaf ur snippin...jus snip the whole thing off at the main stalk of the plant ;) a whole new branch will be growin out of there anyway, if it izn't already :thumbsup: ppp
You dont think that would shock it(further)?
You dont think that would shock it(further)?

not at all, me do it all the time ;) i mean, needless to say, don't snip it too close, especially if new growth is comin out at the nodez...i uzually give the new growth 2-3 dayz, then *snip*, off come the fanz, lol...once u get rid of em, the plant is then able to uze the xtra energy for the new growth ;) ppp
All fan leaves? I did that with all "big" fan leaves on my photos but on the autos?
not at all, me do it all the time ;) i mean, needless to say, don't snip it too close, especially if new growth is comin out at the nodez...i uzually give the new growth 2-3 dayz, then *snip*, off come the fanz, lol...once u get rid of em, the plant is then able to uze the xtra energy for the new growth ;) ppp
All fan leaves? I did that with all "big" fan leaves on my photos but on the autos?

ok, i was referring specifically to the orig main fanz that come out level by level up the main stalk as it'z growing...but ya, after they grow out, whole new branchez then grow out of the same orig nodez, and thoze are what u wanna keep and grow out, after which they do, the orig main stalk fanz are simply not needed & just plain get in the way of all-important airflow ;) ppp