New Grower New grower

Jul 17, 2019
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So thought I'd make one of these for my first grow, been debating since it started out a little interesting. So I'm growing a barney's farm purple punch and sweet seeds dark devil auto, they both sunk after about 15hrs in a cup of water and the purple punch actually sprouted a little tale. From there I transferred them to a root farm seed starter kit with a plastic dome, with splashes of pro mix liquid root booster formula. Here they are at 96 hours from being submerged in the cup a water and about day 2 from sprouting, also under a root farm 45w seedling light.


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Day 4, doing pretty well grew first set of leaves, transferred them to their pots, 5 gallon mesh with pro mix high porosity soil, and after learning that my root farm 45w led light was no where near what I needed I bought a 450w (200w true) viparspectra led light, and set it in my garage


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About a week went on, wife didnt want them in the garage, so I packed up my new light, and put them in the back yard. Decided I could hide them from the kids in my basement until flowering then would bring them outside, then bought a tent, lol. Here is the set up, 24x48x60 vivosun tent with a 4" exhaust and the viparspectra 450w led light and a 6" fan


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Here we are today day 19, the larger one is purple punch and the other is dark devil. They are on the smaller side haven't really feed them yet, gave them some general hydroponics liquid kool bloom, learning from this site that was a mistake, so I have some floragro liquid fertilizer coming soon. Also want to top them but I fear they may be to small, and from what I've read on this site, I shouldn't top them after the 3rd week. What are your guys opinions on topping these girls? Should I just leave them or top them in a few days?


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They are still a bit small to top, I've topped after 3werks with no I'll effects. Do what you're comfortable bro. You'll see a huge growth spurt before they start to stretch that's when I would do the majority of your training.
That's what I thought too, I'll see what a couple of days do, they are starting to grow a layer of leaves a day so, by mid week hopefully it'll be better to top.
Day 22, I decided to top the bigger one, purple punch, the dark devil is still to small, we'll see with that one when I come back from work in 4 days. I just posted the before and after pics of the topping.


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