New Grower New Grower using FastBuds Autos- Need help

I’ve had this happen a time or two it should grow out of it. It’s probably a water burn from a little droplet hitting the cot but it won’t damage the plant too bad like I said it should grow out of it. Give it another few days before saying fuck it. My most recent fastbuds grow had a lettuce like and very odd color almost mosaic appearance but she grew out of it.
I just had the same thing happen. I think its just the shell getting ripped off too early before the cotyledon can form completely. I had mine hanging by the edge of the leaf. So i could see from the side and it looks just like your pic. I'm sure it already looks better by now?

Unfortunately, It looks the same. It has only been one day. How long did it take for yours to heal itself?

I tried to moisten mine to separate them. Tried 2-3 times but just could not. It was stuck and i thought i killed it by pulling them apart too hard.

At this moment, the cotyledon looks just like yours with a tip that looks under developed. Only difference is the shell still stuck on edge of cotyledon. They look joined together so i left it alone after siccessfully pulled it enough to let it pretty much hang from tip of leaf. I figured its not affecting photosintesis, just leave it.

By the time i checked again (end of Day 2), the leaf had grown to normal and shell dropped. Hope this helps...

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Looks too me like the seed casing is still stuck on her. If that's the case leave it a few days and if she's still attached then gentle work her off with your fingers. Does that sound sexy or is it just me? Haha.

She looks alright though, probably nothing too worry about
Looks mabee you had a drop of water get on that leaf and the heat from the light may have burnt it just to be sure it’s not a bug check with jewelers Loupe to make sure good luck and I agree with the other keep light 2-3 feet above that little girl and again good luck
Pictures are blurry but check for bugs a better pick would be helpful