Very true, every single plant I've grown has had it's own thing.

I don't do hydro, where Ph fluctuates like crazy sometimes, but in soil monitoring the Ph is really unnecessary, unless you're reusing or mixing your own soils, and then just get it dialed into a natural range and don't worry about it. It's going to fluctuate during the growing season and tbh in soil it won't matter, autos really don't live long enough to worry it. With photos I might check it once I flip to 12/12 and bloom nutes, but even then that would just be to make sure I'm not building up salts from the ferts in my pots. And if so tbh I'd likely just replant/transplant them to cleaner soil.

Cal-mag is called for depending on your water quality, and whether you have them under full LEDs. I have hard 8+ water but I still needed cal-mag on my first auto grow, so it's good to have on hand. A little goes a long way, buy the smallest bottle you can.

Once you see a deficiency starting in the leaves, then think about whether you can correct it. Look at the charts and keep a close eye on what the leaves are telling you. Some you can correct, others won't show up until your plants are fairly mature and by that time it's not important anyway. (I hear crowds of young voices swearing at Eventually if you're looking to grow a cosmetically immaculate plant for a contest or competition, you'll know where to turn, but if you're growing for your own cupboard, remember this is a weed that grows wild and thrives in the roughest conditions. Often the more stressors a plant has during a season, the more gung-ho it is to flower in order to procreate, so a little experimentation to see what works best for you isn't going to do any harm.

Let's put it this way - relax, enjoy the grow, and talk to us anytime something gets weird. There are experts here in every type of growing with autos.
Very nicely put mate! And nice to meet you!
Hi guys, quick update, my seedling has sprouted and broken the soil it's only day 2 but it's looking healthy, I will be transplanting into final pot between 1 & 2 weeks, when i transplant would it be useful to add a small dose of root juice and fish mix to help stimulate the roots? Thanks in advance
Hey @BigBudz2020 ,yet another Brit here :d5: is that an auto?
Not knocking the transplant thing, am questioning that too (trying a couple things on my autos that could mess and shock - but so far so good!)

I feed biobiz on my photos and autos and I start all feeds at 50% of recommended rates (by week) and build til I get a sight of burn then scale back 25% won't upset plant enough to hurt it.
At , say 2/3 weeks from sprout use 1 ml of fish for 2 litres of water.
Alg a mic again, half measure (I use doff seaweed - half price) seaweed is a good stress reliever.
Also remember when you up pot, water in circles slightly away from roots, pushes them to seek.
Final and important note: get a bag of mycorrhizal fungi: when repotting, sprinkle on roots or in hole before you drop in your girl. Never had transplant shock since using... (6 quid at Wilco is worth its weight in gold!)
Hi mate, yes it's an auto, think different from Dutch passion, meant to be good for uk climate and very resilient. It's only day 2 since it sprouted from the soil. I wasnt going to transplant but a few people have said that they have never had an issue doing so so thought I would give it ago so I can be certain I dont over water in the early days as I'm one of them people who tend to over do things haha
Hey @BigBudz2020 ,yet another Brit here :d5: is that an auto?
Not knocking the transplant thing, am questioning that too (trying a couple things on my autos that could mess and shock - but so far so good!)

I feed biobiz on my photos and autos and I start all feeds at 50% of recommended rates (by week) and build til I get a sight of burn then scale back 25% won't upset plant enough to hurt it.
At , say 2/3 weeks from sprout use 1 ml of fish for 2 litres of water.
Alg a mic again, half measure (I use doff seaweed - half price) seaweed is a good stress reliever.
Also remember when you up pot, water in circles slightly away from roots, pushes them to seek.
Final and important note: get a bag of mycorrhizal fungi: when repotting, sprinkle on roots or in hole before you drop in your girl. Never had transplant shock since using... (6 quid at Wilco is worth its weight in gold!)
Hey @BigBudz2020 ,yet another Brit here :d5: is that an auto?
Not knocking the transplant thing, am questioning that too (trying a couple things on my autos that could mess and shock - but so far so good!)

I feed biobiz on my photos and autos and I start all feeds at 50% of recommended rates (by week) and build til I get a sight of burn then scale back 25% won't upset plant enough to hurt it.
At , say 2/3 weeks from sprout use 1 ml of fish for 2 litres of water.
Alg a mic again, half measure (I use doff seaweed - half price) seaweed is a good stress reliever.
Also remember when you up pot, water in circles slightly away from roots, pushes them to seek.
Final and important note: get a bag of mycorrhizal fungi: when repotting, sprinkle on roots or in hole before you drop in your girl. Never had transplant shock since using... (6 quid at Wilco is worth its weight in gold!)
I have biobizz root juice.. if I use that when transplanting wont that do the same job as mycorrhizal fungi?
Hmmm not sure, maybe same result via differing properties !?!
That contains some form of fulvic or humic acids, some veg by product and seaweed. Guess it will relieve stress and stimulate roots.
Would add michos regardless.
I've just ordered myself some biobizz alg a mic which is supposed to help with stress and transplanting ect
Hmmm not sure, maybe same result via differing properties !?!
That contains some form of fulvic or humic acids, some veg by product and seaweed. Guess it will relieve stress and stimulate roots.
Would add michos regardless.
The alg-a-mic is meant to relieve stress too so hopefully combined I will have a successful transplantation I can only try and see anyway.. I dont want to leave it in the pot it's in now much longer than 7-10 days as I want to avoid it becoming root bound. I've also got a blue cheese auto I've just spotted today after germinating it, the 1st blue cheese auto I tried to germinate didnt make it but not to bothered as the think different is the main one I am more interested in as I've heard many mixed reviews on the blue cheese, it's from barneys I've read their strain isn't the best but again I will just have to wait and see, I'm not that hopefull of it sprouting if I'm honest but that's just due to my 1st attempt failing