Calmag I’d say is definitely needed, especially if you’re growing under LEDs as they seem to make my plants hungry for cal. Alg a mic is useful but not essential, it helps the plant deal with all sorts of stress (over/underfeeding/disease/temp). I use it as a precaution more than a need.
As for when to start - yes it’s true it can take a couple of days for the organic nutes to make their way in to the plant - but that is not too long, so if you checking your ladies daily you’ll spot a deficiency well before it becomes an issue and can add what you need and the plant will recover. If you try and pre-empt what they need you risk over feeding which can lead to other issues you don’t want (eg over feed nute ‘x’ and cause lock out of nute ‘y’) which will be more hassle to correct than recovering from under feeding imo.
Hello every one! Thanks for your responses and the warm welcome!
I think the transplanting thing has spun from the fact that autos life cycles are so short that if you make an error or stress the plant to much it's a race against time to try and sort it out maybe? I have done a grow over 10 years ago but didnt manage to complete it due to armed response taking my door off over something and discovering my babies so haven't managed to get that far and they were photos so all this is basically new to me. Is calmag and alg a mic a must have? I have a ph pen and bought some sachets to calibrate it but the ph+ and ph- I bought were chemical compounds then I read about the buffers in the biobizz soil so wasnt as concerned even though I know it is an important factor I was kind of willing to just see what happened regarding water ph levels. I think reading the plant is the most important thing as you say each plant is different. I have read that biobizz nutes can take a while to be absorbed by the plant as the soil has to take it all in 1st so the nutes may not come into play until the following week, is this the correct? If so should I be thinking one step ahead in relation to what nutes to give the plants so when they time is right they are there in the soil ready to go if that makes sense? Sorry if I sound like a complete novice.. It's just because I am
The biobizz lightmix you don't need to ph your water, aslong has you have left you tap water out for 24-48hours befor use. it should be fine. Adding the ph buffers may cause you to have trouble later down the line. I use regular tap water that's stood for a day or 2 for my lightmix and for my coco grow I use different water as it needs ph'd. Lighmix soil has all the buffers you need for the first couple of weeks. I would plant your seedling and sit back and enjoy... Also I had transplanted my seedling, aslong as you are very careful autos can and are happy to be transplanted.
Calmag I’d say is definitely needed, especially if you’re growing under LEDs as they seem to make my plants hungry for cal. Alg a mic is useful but not essential, it helps the plant deal with all sorts of stress (over/underfeeding/disease/temp). I use it as a precaution more than a need.
As for when to start - yes it’s true it can take a couple of days for the organic nutes to make their way in to the plant - but that is not too long, so if you checking your ladies daily you’ll spot a deficiency well before it becomes an issue and can add what you need and the plant will recover. If you try and pre-empt what they need you risk over feeding which can lead to other issues you don’t want (eg over feed nute ‘x’ and cause lock out of nute ‘y’) which will be more hassle to correct than recovering from under feeding imo.
Yeah that makes sence mate, basically just a case of reading the plants and if there is a pre made schedule be very prepared to scrap it all together and go with the flow. My plant magic evolution spray claims to resolve the same issues you described the alg-a-mic to solve so will be interesting to see how that works out.. as for the bio silicon, would you consider that necessary or just something that could cause potential problems for very little benefit? I've also read people feeding Epsom salts in week 3 and 6? I'm not to sure whether I am reading to much and over complicating things for myself or whether these things are a must
The biobizz lightmix you don't need to ph your water, aslong has you have left you tap water out for 24-48hours befor use. it should be fine. Adding the ph buffers may cause you to have trouble later down the line. I use regular tap water that's stood for a day or 2 for my lightmix and for my coco grow I use different water as it needs ph'd. Lighmix soil has all the buffers you need for the first couple of weeks. I would plant your seedling and sit back and enjoy... Also I had transplanted my seedling, aslong as you are very careful autos can and are happy to be transplanted.
Yeah I think you might be right, sit back let nature take its course and step in when I have to. I had a seed I got in a bag of bud once when I was about 14, I managed to germinate it, put it in a huge plant pot with soil out of my back garden and grew it on my window sill with my blinds down but cracked open (if that makes sence) and I literally gave it warm water out of the tap with tomato sauce mixed in (I got confused by tomato feed, hey I was just a kid) but I swear to god that plant grew absolutely massive! Just shows how resilient plants can actually be.. I guess it's called weed for a reason after all
Welcome bro. I'm from the UK too. I'm currently using the biobizz light mix, grow, Bloom and topmax.... I haven't used the root juice but I quick research suggest :BioBizz Root-Juice is for soil-grown plants in any stage – from rooted cuttings to the vegetative stage and onwards all the way through flowering. Dilute BioBizz Root-Juice at a rate of 2-5ml/Litre of water and mix well before feeding. Use regularly with your feeding schedule right up until harvest.
I would probs 1/4the dose per litre and use right away. Some people star using the grow at1/5 of a dose per litre and use right away. I've personally started using the grow, Bloom and topmax at the 3rd week as the biobizz light mix has enough nutes for the first few week's... Extra root stimulant won't harm just feed in small doses. Someone with more experience will chime in... And I would also if it was was me growing outside start my auto indoors first to get a good root base and a sturdy stem then transplant outside after a few weeks. But I wouldn't know. Happy Growing Bro and good luck. The picture of the Bush is a lsd 25 auto day 45 using biobizz lightmix and biobizz nutes
Would you mind sharing your current feeding schedule with me just so I have some sort of an idea, i know every plant is different but i would find it very helpful still
Would you mind sharing your current feeding schedule with me just so I have some sort of an idea, i know every plant is different but i would find it very helpful still
I don't have a feeding schedule per say, the third week after my seedling surfaced I started with 1ml per litre of Grow and feed every 3rd day or so when the soil is dry. I feed plain old tap that's stood for a few days and water between each feeds until 20% runoff... each week I would up the dose slightly. By half a ml or depending on how my plant is looking.... I deally you want to start with small doses to ease your plant into feeding. Less is more. I found if you over do it, it's a ball ache and you have to go through a flush process which can lead to over watering and other deficiencies. So less is more and gradually build up your plants tolerance
Hi guys,

I think I'm posting in the right section? Apologies if I'm not.

I am going to be planting some Think Different Autos from Dutch Passion in my greenhouse as I have heard they do well in the UK climate. I am planting straight into an 11litre pot once my seeds are germinated as I have read transplanting autos is risky. The media I am using is biobizz light and I will be mixing it with 30% Perlite. I am also using biobizz's grow, bloom, top max and root juice. Does anyone have a decent feeding schedule for these nutes? Can I use root juice while my plant is a seedling or should I wait 2 weeks after putting it in its pot and only feed water until then? I also have some bio silicon and plant magic evolution spray and may also get some bio-heaven. Any tips and advice would be grateful and I'm sure I will think of more questions along the way

:welcome:.... I hear good things about Think Different but never grew it nor have I used BioBizz. Someone will chime in. Just wanted to say howdy:toke:
Very true, every single plant I've grown has had it's own thing.

I don't do hydro, where Ph fluctuates like crazy sometimes, but in soil monitoring the Ph is really unnecessary, unless you're reusing or mixing your own soils, and then just get it dialed into a natural range and don't worry about it. It's going to fluctuate during the growing season and tbh in soil it won't matter, autos really don't live long enough to worry it. With photos I might check it once I flip to 12/12 and bloom nutes, but even then that would just be to make sure I'm not building up salts from the ferts in my pots. And if so tbh I'd likely just replant/transplant them to cleaner soil.

Cal-mag is called for depending on your water quality, and whether you have them under full LEDs. I have hard 8+ water but I still needed cal-mag on my first auto grow, so it's good to have on hand. A little goes a long way, buy the smallest bottle you can.

Once you see a deficiency starting in the leaves, then think about whether you can correct it. Look at the charts and keep a close eye on what the leaves are telling you. Some you can correct, others won't show up until your plants are fairly mature and by that time it's not important anyway. (I hear crowds of young voices swearing at Eventually if you're looking to grow a cosmetically immaculate plant for a contest or competition, you'll know where to turn, but if you're growing for your own cupboard, remember this is a weed that grows wild and thrives in the roughest conditions. Often the more stressors a plant has during a season, the more gung-ho it is to flower in order to procreate, so a little experimentation to see what works best for you isn't going to do any harm.

Let's put it this way - relax, enjoy the grow, and talk to us anytime something gets weird. There are experts here in every type of growing with autos.
Very true, every single plant I've grown has had it's own thing.

I don't do hydro, where Ph fluctuates like crazy sometimes, but in soil monitoring the Ph is really unnecessary, unless you're reusing or mixing your own soils, and then just get it dialed into a natural range and don't worry about it. It's going to fluctuate during the growing season and tbh in soil it won't matter, autos really don't live long enough to worry it. With photos I might check it once I flip to 12/12 and bloom nutes, but even then that would just be to make sure I'm not building up salts from the ferts in my pots. And if so tbh I'd likely just replant/transplant them to cleaner soil.

Cal-mag is called for depending on your water quality, and whether you have them under full LEDs. I have hard 8+ water but I still needed cal-mag on my first auto grow, so it's good to have on hand. A little goes a long way, buy the smallest bottle you can.

Once you see a deficiency starting in the leaves, then think about whether you can correct it. Look at the charts and keep a close eye on what the leaves are telling you. Some you can correct, others won't show up until your plants are fairly mature and by that time it's not important anyway. (I hear crowds of young voices swearing at Eventually if you're looking to grow a cosmetically immaculate plant for a contest or competition, you'll know where to turn, but if you're growing for your own cupboard, remember this is a weed that grows wild and thrives in the roughest conditions. Often the more stressors a plant has during a season, the more gung-ho it is to flower in order to procreate, so a little experimentation to see what works best for you isn't going to do any harm.

Let's put it this way - relax, enjoy the grow, and talk to us anytime something gets weird. There are experts here in every type of growing with autos.

well said growbro :headbang: ppp