New Grower New Forum Moderator Assistants

cool...The AFN family helps each other ,that's what makes this place so great. I am proud to be a part of this free for all knowledge pool.
Congratulations to the both of you.

Lets keep this plant alive. :dance:
CONGRATULATIONS BUDZ....:clap: :clap: :clap:

Thanks from all of us....:thumbs:
Jackal and I would like to welcome both KindredSpirit and Hereb4 to the New Growers moderator team. Both are experienced growers and long time members here at AFN. Rest assured that the information you receive from them will be correct and to the point. I'm personally looking forward to working with them to insure that our new growers receive all the help they need.

excellent choices... welcome aboard brothers need any help speak up and we will have you covered...:thumbs::hump::jump::jump::jump::jump::D:D:peace::toke:
welcome to professor's hereb4 and kindredspirit! :jump:AT AFN UNIVERSITY! no diddiling the the freshman coeds!:no::dancer::hump:
Congratulations to the both of you! You have both visited my first grow thread and helped explain things and make me feel like I am on the right track, and I think that you will be a great addition to the moderation team! o7m8s!
congratulations kindredspirit and hereb4.

well deserved! -- ive seen alot of helpful post from the both of you!

keep up the goodwork and the good vibes.

to the AFN family:
