Photoperiod NevIlle's Haze, Twilight, Scrog 4x4 How Much Can We Yield?

Every time I convince myself that I'm full bore autoflower for life and I'm done fooling with photos - along comes a thread like this and I'm cruising the MrNice and TGA websites window shopping, lol.

Great looking grow man!
Ended up looking in the NH girls bucket to be basically empty.. never know whether to be more happy or sad cause she could not be drinking water! Loaded em both up on nutes, I can post the nutes I use if anyone is curious! Alot of yellowing on top leaves dont know whether its worth pulling all yellow ones? :smoking:

Thanks for looking!:bighug:
At this point I would only tug the ones that want to come off. Then right before harvest go hog wild when you know you won’t be shocking the buds. I much prefer to wet trim as much as I can while it’s still on the bush. Although, this will be my first adventure of cutting down a scrog, instead of one branch at a time, it’s one bud at a time, except they are 12” long. :rofl: In your case much longer. :smoking:
Every time I convince myself that I'm full bore autoflower for life and I'm done fooling with photos - along comes a thread like this and I'm cruising the MrNice and TGA websites window shopping, lol.

Great looking grow man!

Thank you man, I appreciate it! When I started growing I leaned against autos hard and now im really liking photos.. hence why I almost always have half and half I guess! :Cheers: bro hope you maybe find something for the better! Thanks for tunin in! Love the diversity and simplicity of autos.. photos always got me running around:smoking:

At this point I would only tug the ones that want to come off. Then right before harvest go hog wild when you know you won’t be shocking the buds. I much prefer to wet trim as much as I can while it’s still on the bush. Although, this will be my first adventure of cutting down a scrog, instead of one branch at a time, it’s one bud at a time, except they are 12” long. :rofl: In your case much longer. :smoking:
Hmm ones that come off with ease or just all yellow ones? Yes i didnt want to shock the buds at all! As this my first Scrog to we Will see!:smokeout::smokeout::cheers:
I much prefer wet trim aswell I find myself hating dry trim or anything less then fresh!

Thanks for looking!:bighug:
Hmm ones that come off with ease or just all yellow ones? Yes i didnt want to shock the buds at all! As this my first Scrog to we Will see!:smokeout::smokeout::cheers:
I much prefer wet trim aswell I find myself hating dry trim or anything less then fresh!

Thanks for looking!:bighug:
I only tug on the dead or dying leaves and they usually pop right off. If it doesn’t I leave it. No pun intended. :smoking: I was told by a couple long time scroggers that I should defoliate much earlier in the grow. Like right before the flip and the about two weeks into preflower, no later.

Yea I use to be that grower that removed the big fan leaves and chopped my girls off right at the base and let her hang for a week before doing a trim. Then recently, I got stoned as hell which helps me get into the process, and I cut off individual branches, wet trimmed them, and put them in my drying rack. Imagine my surprise when I checked them a few days later and they needed very little extra trimming. Just cut the buds of the branch and I was done. Sure a lot easier than dry trimming, with trying to get the scissors in and around all the dried leaf.
Evening! This was 09/04 will post a few more today![emoji106] Fixed the Ph to 5.7-5.9 on both and they drinked little over a gallon yesterday so not bad! Looked at Calyxs and its like 50/50 on both no amber seen so im thinking around 2 more weeks or so! I'm not sure!

Thanks for looking!:bighug:
Evening! This was 09/04 will post a few more today![emoji106] Fixed the Ph to 5.7-5.9 on both and they drinked little over a gallon yesterday so not bad! Looked at Calyxs and its like 50/50 on both no amber seen so im thinking around 2 more weeks or so! I'm not sure!

Thanks for looking!:bighug:
Those buds look amazing. :bow: Looks like you could dive right in there. How’s the smell?
Mine are finishing so fast that I’ve decided to try revegging this girl, she is going to be done faster than the breeders’ estimated 60 days of flower. Which never happens. Should be interesting one way or the other, hopefully she revegs quickly.
Those buds look amazing. [emoji144] Looks like you could dive right in there. How’s the smell?
Mine are finishing so fast that I’ve decided to try revegging this girl, she is going to be done faster than the breeders’ estimated 60 days of flower. Which never happens. Should be interesting one way or the other, hopefully she revegs quickly.

Thank you bro i've had to stop myself a few times already! :Lmao: Twilight in the front has this distinct diesel tonic, lotion-ey tone to it, its mother plant was phenominal and i have another twilight, a smaller one going in my other tent, she smells without even moving the buds at all and reeeks nicely,
On the other hand the Neville's doesnt smell until you get an inch or 2 and shes this beautiful hazy spicey undertone and when touched it starts to get a cooler i call it "cybernetic" but the "sativa" cool light taste/smell i like! Nev's is overpowering to where it makes me sick to my stomach its so strong! Ive never revegged or looked up it i have to get a chance! I gotta check yours out soon! That sounds not bad at all though![emoji1690][emoji106] Thought about harvesting this plant in 2 sections I believe or maybe 3 i just dont want to make her hermi after the first cut but the buds would still fatten up i believe, we will see how big they get! Thanks for stoppin by!

Thanks for looking!:bighug:
Thank you bro i've had to stop myself a few times already! :Lmao: Twilight in the front has this distinct diesel tonic, lotion-ey tone to it, its mother plant was phenominal and i have another twilight, a smaller one going in my other tent, she smells without even moving the buds at all and reeeks nicely,
On the other hand the Neville's doesnt smell until you get an inch or 2 and shes this beautiful hazy spicey undertone and when touched it starts to get a cooler i call it "cybernetic" but the "sativa" cool light taste/smell i like! Nev's is overpowering to where it makes me sick to my stomach its so strong! Ive never revegged or looked up it i have to get a chance! I gotta check yours out soon! That sounds not bad at all though!
Thought about harvesting this plant in 2 sections I believe or maybe 3 i just dont want to make her hermi after the first cut but the buds would still fatten up i believe, we will see how big they get! Thanks for stoppin by!

Thanks for looking!:bighug:
Yea mine are ready anytime now, I mean trichs all cloudy and maybe 20% amber. It’s funny because everywhere I had read about how strong the smell would be but it’s really just a earthy smell and not strong at all. I don’t think they will fatten up much more, but even the smaller buds are rock hard. I was thinking of cutting them off at the screen one by one and leave all the popcorn and bud sites that are at or under the screen. Then flip the lights back to 24/0 and let the good times roll. I have revegged a plant before but never in a scrog. I’ve been told regardless of strain it’s going to get very bushy. Which is typical of a reveg I just have never seen it in a scrog for myself.

When she flips back into veg I want to try filling the few spots I didn’t make it to this time, then flip back into flower. If I have the patience I was thinking of pulling out my colloidal silver out and reversing a couple flower sites to produce feminized pollen. Should be enough to pollinate part of the flowers and give me a bunch of feminized Super Skunk seeds for the future. This thing flowers too fast not to keep some seeds around.
Yea mine are ready anytime now, I mean trichs all cloudy and maybe 20% amber. It’s funny because everywhere I had read about how strong the smell would be but it’s really just a earthy smell and not strong at all. I don’t think they will fatten up much more, but even the smaller buds are rock hard. I was thinking of cutting them off at the screen one by one and leave all the popcorn and bud sites that are at or under the screen. Then flip the lights back to 24/0 and let the good times roll. I have revegged a plant before but never in a scrog. I’ve been told regardless of strain it’s going to get very bushy. Which is typical of a reveg I just have never seen it in a scrog for myself.

When she flips back into veg I want to try filling the few spots I didn’t make it to this time, then flip back into flower. If I have the patience I was thinking of pulling out my colloidal silver out and reversing a couple flower sites to produce feminized pollen. Should be enough to pollinate part of the flowers and give me a bunch of feminized Super Skunk seeds for the future. This thing flowers too fast not to keep some seeds around.

Damn yeah I like to harvest around then to! Kinda just depends how she looks haha, yeah ive noticed my plants atleast dont stink very much or at all until I cut down. When you reveg a plant, it will eventually grow nodes and leaves again and you will be able to flip? Not really sure how to get revegging lol:slap: that would be awesome i hear about using colloidal silver everywhere!

Thanks for looking!:bighug:
Damn yeah I like to harvest around then to! Kinda just depends how she looks haha, yeah ive noticed my plants atleast dont stink very much or at all until I cut down. When you reveg a plant, it will eventually grow nodes and leaves again and you will be able to flip? Not really sure how to get revegging lol:slap: that would be awesome i hear about using colloidal silver everywhere!

Thanks for looking!:bighug:
I’m always glad to have plants that the filter can handle. It’s just, you know, What The SMELL,:cuss: it’s a damned Super SKUNK, you read reviews about how they had to send the kids to relatives the smell was so strong. :rofl: So you get this preconceived notion about how strong they are going to smell. Heck, I even considered replacing my carbon filter, just in case. Instead, I get this nice earthy smell for a few moments when I open the tent when the lights are on. Three year old 6” carbon filter still going strong and has not even been reversed yet.

Revegging is one of the strangest things I have done to a plant, short of reversing them and making feminized pollen. After you switch back to 24/0 the bud sites will start throwing off single leaves and the plant will begin to look like a bushy little mutant. Eventually she will start to have normal tri shaped leaves and you can flip back to flower. I’ve already decided to do it and will just continue my current grow to include it, so just follow along. :smoking:

If she looks healthy enough I will reverse a couple buds with CS. With any luck I should be able to isolate that bud and capture the pollen away from the plant. Then I can pollinate individual buds and hopefully get some feminized seeds. Worse case scenario is I miss a reversed bud and the whole plant goes to seed.:shrug: It won’t be the first time I have to clean my weed before smoking over the last 50 years. :biggrin: If i do this I will just extend my current grow to show the seed production and collection.