Grow Room "NekoSempai's Candy Kush/Krippleberry grow"

Neko, if you find the need there are a couple of types of insulation that have a reflective backing attached to them. If you have A/C you're better off letting the heat radiate out of the box. Cheers!
Thanks for the tip my friend =D

Side note.

Both plants seem stunted. The new one in the big pot seems strange. Seems like it should be bigger already. Maybe because its in a bigger pot perhaps? So, it is spending a little more time making roots? It is only 3-4 days old.

The 32oz got a CFL sorta dropped. The CFL dropped down a littlebit, and was resting on the side of my youngling. Burnt a nice part of 2 leaves...She didnt get crushed thankfully. Damn, thats not what you wanna see when you come home from work lol.

Also, would like to add that I think the soil might be a little hot? I forgot this Dr.earths soil is supposed to be used for new transplants, and or clones.
So, this might be stunting my girls. The 32oz one started getting a bit droopy. I thought it was over watering, but she was sprung up for hours after he first watering that I gave her.

The temps this morning were 69, so maybe is a little cold for it?

Either way, Im sure its either some over watering, and or the soil is a little hot.
Feeding was a mistake I believe haha. No burnt tips. Just kinda droopy. Man, the first couple weeks makes me nervous in a grow.

Picked up some black and Gold Organic soil today. Which is 0.05 0.0 0.0, and I used it last grow from seed to finish. No problems. So, Im going to plant all seeds from here on out in the black and gold with a jiffy. Then do 1 part perlite, 1.5 parts Dr.earths and .5 parts black and gold.

I hate getting nervous like this when something "apears to be going wrong" Makes me want to plant more seeds in case I have to get rid of one. Then Ill end up with all growing fine and not enough room....Im tempted to plant one more. I think Ill wait a week or so to make up my mind.
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I noticed was already getting pretty dry again. So, I gave her some un;ph'd water. I also stuck here in the corner with 2 25watt 6500k CFL's. I just checked on her this morning. She seems to be happy as ever. So, idk maybe it was just getting dry again o_O. Or the off PH of the water gave it a break from to much nutes? not sure. W/e it was, it seems its no longer a problem. Oh and she doesnt seem to be suffering much from the CFL burn lol. Just maybe slowed her down a tad. Looks like its picking right back up though.

I germ'd another seen to bust into a 1 gallon too. "AFN smoke out"Hop digity

Peace out people. Need to get ready for work. :tiphat:
Glad to see you got things smoothed out. If you don't mind me asking, why did you choose to use un pH'd water? Is there a benefit to using un pH'd water in certain instances?
Glad to see you got things smoothed out. If you don't mind me asking, why did you choose to use un pH'd water? Is there a benefit to using un pH'd water in certain instances?

Thanks Greenbandit. Well, I was thinking that if there was a little bit to much nutrients. Then un'ph'd water would give it a break from being able to digest so much nutes. Though, since Im using organic soil. Not sure it made a whole lot of a difference for that long. Seems happy now lol. Just a little beat up ha. :slaps:
Cheers my man =)..Im going to find my way to your thread. I have not been checking up on your TD enough man. :Sharing One::tiphat:
Neko, I am always in favor of dropping another seed. We need results. Besides you have some extra CFLs so you can feed one more mouth. BTW what happened to I'm gonna wait a week to decide :clap:
haha you got me man. I caved in. I just like planting seeds lol. Almost as fun as the harvest.

Actually the best part is Watching the buds swell up :Gary::Growing:

and then smoking them of coarse =P :smokeit:

Cheers my good man JackMc. :Cheers:
It's funny I want to have 10-12 tents so I can have a harvest a week forever. :woohoo:
haha due that would be awesome. I love growing man. Its fun start to finsh. Seed to harvest its an adventure. The first couple weeks make me anxious though...... lol


So, the little guy is at a week today. Looks like its not really growing to me. I think I F'd up with the soil I planted it into. To hot probably. Perhaps this strain is just slow the first couple week. We shall see. I got a 3rd seed planted into a sma.l planter with Black and gold Organic soil 0.05 0.00 0.00 soil. Its what I used with great result my last grow. So, I planted the 3rd seed into it to see if there is a difference in growth speed. I have the small planters bottom cut out and planted into a 1 gallon pot filled with Dr earths pot of gold. So, it should give it a little time before it hits the Dr.earths soil. Im hoping this strain surprises me....Im sure its just me being a fool, and not the strain. We shall see with the 3rd seed.

The 32oz cup is at 2 weeks today. Still small as a mofo. Has some undergrowth starting. So, I’m predicting I’m just being impatient, and its about to hit its mad dash groth spurt =D lol.
*finger crossed*........*SuperParanoidIF*&^edThisOneUp* :dunno:

Side Note: Just got some awesome seeds in to make up for a lame grow if that is the direction it goes. its only 1 week/ 2 weeks in/ 3rd seed's the charm. So, Im probably just discouraging myself =P.

Pics from yesterday. I took the 2 CFL's I had hanging over the 3.75gal out because I didnt notice any difference, and it was getting up to 81F. I put them up to see if I notice any difference from the 3.75 gal. Not really......

SUNP0110.JPG<---Wiring is a bit sloppy atm sorry folks. Fan to blow over 2 25watt 6500k bulbs hanging on the left side to help supplement the 32oz I put in the corner.

The little guy...seems stunted. 3.75gal pot
Just getting everything dialed in at the moment. Before long you'll be cropping that icky sticky fire weed, I have no doubt