Thanks for the tip my friend =D
Side note.
Both plants seem stunted. The new one in the big pot seems strange. Seems like it should be bigger already. Maybe because its in a bigger pot perhaps? So, it is spending a little more time making roots? It is only 3-4 days old.
The 32oz got a CFL sorta dropped. The CFL dropped down a littlebit, and was resting on the side of my youngling. Burnt a nice part of 2 leaves...She didnt get crushed thankfully. Damn, thats not what you wanna see when you come home from work lol.
Also, would like to add that I think the soil might be a little hot? I forgot this Dr.earths soil is supposed to be used for new transplants, and or clones.
So, this might be stunting my girls. The 32oz one started getting a bit droopy. I thought it was over watering, but she was sprung up for hours after he first watering that I gave her.
The temps this morning were 69, so maybe is a little cold for it?
Either way, Im sure its either some over watering, and or the soil is a little hot.
Feeding was a mistake I believe haha. No burnt tips. Just kinda droopy. Man, the first couple weeks makes me nervous in a grow.

Picked up some black and Gold Organic soil today. Which is 0.05 0.0 0.0, and I used it last grow from seed to finish. No problems. So, Im going to plant all seeds from here on out in the black and gold with a jiffy. Then do 1 part perlite, 1.5 parts Dr.earths and .5 parts black and gold.
I hate getting nervous like this when something "apears to be going wrong" Makes me want to plant more seeds in case I have to get rid of one. Then Ill end up with all growing fine and not enough room....Im tempted to plant one more. I think Ill wait a week or so to make up my mind.