Heyo guys! Hope all was well with new years eve/day. Mine was chill. Drank a few beers, smoked a couple Jay's, and watched netflix. Avoiding all forms of trouble and chaos that night lol. Safe and sound in my home haha.
Got some updatage to undertake with the Kripple and the candy.
Nothing to much to report on. The krippleberry seems to be doing fine. I started to LST her ....was it yesterday? or day before? Either way, I got her tied up.
Just been watering/feedin since last update. The Candy Kush is like a little shrub. She seems to like to shrub up, and then out of no where..reaches for the sky...but not to high. She is a short gal. 2 feet at max...I dont expect mine to get to tall..maybe a foot? or so in a 1 gal. I do love how she makes up for the short hight with some killer fat rock hard nugs. Im patiently anticipating to see how rock hard she gets under an LED. I was pretty surprised at how dense she got under some CFL's compared to the others.
Here are the little girls.

Candy Kush on the bottom left hand, and the krippleberry on the top right hand.

Just gave her another pull down before I took the pics. After I seen how the other one was growing. I can tell she is probably a smaller yielder if left untrained. Thanks candy kush though.I think it might be better left untrained. I was more impressed with the pictures Ive seen untrained, then the one I LST'd Time will tell.
Candy Kush Day 19
Krippleberry day 18