Grow Room "NekoSempai's Candy Kush/Krippleberry grow"

Yea man. Definitely. Different style of low stress training.
Could be that those genetics your growin are just that awesome lol.
Heyo guys! Hope all was well with new years eve/day. Mine was chill. Drank a few beers, smoked a couple Jay's, and watched netflix. Avoiding all forms of trouble and chaos that night lol. Safe and sound in my home haha.

Got some updatage to undertake with the Kripple and the candy.

Nothing to much to report on. The krippleberry seems to be doing fine. I started to LST her ....was it yesterday? or day before? Either way, I got her tied up.

Just been watering/feedin since last update. The Candy Kush is like a little shrub. She seems to like to shrub up, and then out of no where..reaches for the sky...but not to high. She is a short gal. 2 feet at max...I dont expect mine to get to tall..maybe a foot? or so in a 1 gal. I do love how she makes up for the short hight with some killer fat rock hard nugs. Im patiently anticipating to see how rock hard she gets under an LED. I was pretty surprised at how dense she got under some CFL's compared to the others.

Here are the little girls.

SUNP0170.JPG Candy Kush on the bottom left hand, and the krippleberry on the top right hand.


SUNP0180.JPGSUNP0181.JPG Just gave her another pull down before I took the pics. After I seen how the other one was growing. I can tell she is probably a smaller yielder if left untrained. Thanks candy kush though.I think it might be better left untrained. I was more impressed with the pictures Ive seen untrained, then the one I LST'd Time will tell.

Candy Kush Day 19
Krippleberry day 18
Looking good !

What watt CFL are you using ?

been trying to run mine but they create to much heat so I am only running the LED
Hey, ljufmennid!
I just got 2 25watt CFL's up over that one plant. Those things do make the heat go up in a hurry lol. Cant stick to many, unless I leave my window open all day/night...which that gets to cold then lol.
Hey GreebBandit...DUDE!. You have to get some candy kush auto seeds bro. Its some killer smoke man. Seriously. Imuh have to buy more seeds since my 2nd candy kush died before it was able to shine in glory. So, I can collodial silver it, and pollenate the 2nd CK. Im still going to try and CS a branch to get some CK pollen, and cross it with my Pez, and Pruple Fruit Basket. I totally wish I had a big grow space to do some legit least I can make some seeds heh.
Id like to cross Candy Kush Auto with the PFB or Pez...then get some pollen from that once stabilized, and cross it with some Dark Devil..or red poison. Sounds like that would be killer.
How long have you been using the cs? I want to start making my own seeds this summer, so I can really stock up on my favorite strains! That CK is in my near future, bro. Trust me!
Oh, I have not yet tried the CS. I plan on doing it this grow though. Yea man! Definitely going to start making my own seeds for sure. I need to read up again on when you start hitting it with CS.
Is this one still the unknown strain? I still think One main cola and several satellites. Then again, I may have no idea what I am talking about. But seriously Neko, everything looks great!
Hit em twice a day with CS the day they show lady parts.:thumbs: At least 25ppm of cs to boot! I too am making CS and am reading up on it now. Looking great Niko, Keep up the good work brother!:Sharing One:
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