Grow Room "NekoSempai's Candy Kush/Krippleberry grow"

DUDE!!!!! greenbadnit...OMG BRO...Candy kush is just some super stanky ass sticky ass tasty ass....get you high as fawk ass fire man. I definitely want to buy more of the candy kush bro. Straight blew me away. The little that I got last time lol. SUPER excited for the candy kush

Hey Jackmc. I was going to make this a perptual thread but, I want people to be able to find the specific strains when they search, and see how it grows with some nooby skills like mine lol.

@ JackTheSpliffer....dude!!!!!....Id plant a whole field of ganja if I could lol...I should move to Jamaica now, since its kinda legal there now.

Side note. The mature-ish krippleberry has not ben stretching anymore, and its going to need water soon. So, Im brewing up some bud and bloom compost tea. Time for the bloom nutes. Not going to Sul-Po-Mag it until its just in straight on bloom fat nugs mode. Probably next week. Cant wait to see the benefits of the sul-po-Mag. If you di it right, its supposed to really help pack on the weight. 0-0-23 =O

also noticing some slight cal.mag issues with the "mature" krippleberry. Guess I should up the moasses dose maybe. Ill try 1 tsp instead of half.
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Neko, What's up tonight? I just got some Mephisto 24 Carat I'm going to grow next. I hope it's a nice narcotic buzz. I don't think Sativas do it for me. How tall did the Candy Kush get and whose seeds did you grow?:peace:
Oh sweet man. Cant wait to see you grow that 24 carat. All those Mephisto strains look wild man.

I cant recall exactly how tall. I LST'd it too. I think it was around 10 inches LST'd I hear they never get higher then 2 feet. They just pack on real fat dense nugs though.

I just planted another Candy Kush too.
I know of a great 12 step program for plantaholics.:grin:
Thanks. I'm sure I'll be asking again at some point! So many seeds I wanna order!
Seriously man. I just need to rent out a warehouse so I can grow them all heh

QUick Update.

Been really swamped lately. So, I have not been able to update as I would like, and check up on everyone else.
Started the krippleberry on the bloom nutes since it stopped stratching.
1tsp molasses 1 tsp kelp liquid fert, and 1/4 cup of bloom made into tea.
Idk if you can tell in the photo's, but she is purpling a bit on some stems. a little purpling with the hairs, and some red/pueple hues on the edges of the top bud leaves. Nothing major. She seems a little lighter green then I would like, but I don’t think its from lack of nutes. Been doing a decent job at keeping away the cal/mag issues.
I have not dont anything to Krippleberry #2 yet.
Krippleberry #1

Krippleberry #1 Day 37
8 Inches tall:Gary:
Krippleberry #2 Day 5


The Candy Kush is still a little runt. If I remember from the last CK grow. It vegs really slow in the beginnings and looks like a small shrub..then burst into uniform.
SUNP0142.JPG the second candy kush is starting to pop its little head. Couldnt get a good pic of it though.

Cheers guys. :tiphat:"AFN smoke out"
Hi Neko, It's that time of year. I feel like I haven't been around in weeks. How many plants do you actually have going now? I'm having all sorts of issues getting going again. Peace!