Hey, Jack! Thanks man. She is starting to bush out now. Very relieved to see her growing out great after my last 2 mistakes lol. Should have know that soil was going to be to hot.
Dude! Buds growin on the bottom? Thats some awesome type of strange of activity.
Hey bandit my brother. totally dont want to betray the organic way lol =P, or I would get some of that stuff. My combo of tap water+molasses+Kelp seems to do the trick. I just need to make sure I start feeding molasses+kelp liquid from the get go. one of my purple berry baskets got the same yellowing as my krippleberry got before I gave it a nice dose of molasses/kelp.
Oh, and Im sad to say. Im not going to be able to do the bam slam. the space I was going to have for the BAM, is being taken up by my KAOS Kreation test grow. dedicating half my grow space to that since I was graciously/generously handed some free beans to test from KaosAngel. Maybe after the Bam slam. We can organize another grow off.
We should totally organize an awesome grow off..Like the bam slam. Can call it a spring fling or something. Im down if your down:tiphat:
I might be able to throw in some free beans as a prize.