Grow Room "NekoSempai's Candy Kush/Krippleberry grow"

Hey Neko, They're ready. By Wed. I got something strange going on those plants are growing buds out from the bottom now. I think it's the light. At least that's my theory until someone explains what's really happening. :Cheers::Sharing One:
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Hmm is that Botanicare organic?
I’ve thought about taking a wack at making some fem seeds. I do have some colloidal silver on my hands too.

Looked at the bottle and didn't see anything that would indicate it's organic. Been thinking about learning how to make my own female seeds, but will hold off on that til the summer. If you make some, let me know how it goes!
Jackmc hey Neko, They're ready. By Wed. I got something strange going on those plants are growing buds out from the bottom now. I think it's the light. At least that's my theory until someone explains what's really happening. :Cheers:

Hey, Jack! Thanks man. She is starting to bush out now. Very relieved to see her growing out great after my last 2 mistakes lol. Should have know that soil was going to be to hot.

Dude! Buds growin on the bottom? Thats some awesome type of strange of activity. :woohoo:
TheGreenBandit Looked at the bottle and didn't see anything that would indicate it's organic. Been thinking about learning how to make my own female seeds, but will hold off on that til the summer. If you make some, let me know how it goes!

Hey bandit my brother. totally dont want to betray the organic way lol =P, or I would get some of that stuff. My combo of tap water+molasses+Kelp seems to do the trick. I just need to make sure I start feeding molasses+kelp liquid from the get go. one of my purple berry baskets got the same yellowing as my krippleberry got before I gave it a nice dose of molasses/kelp.

Oh, and Im sad to say. Im not going to be able to do the bam slam. the space I was going to have for the BAM, is being taken up by my KAOS Kreation test grow. dedicating half my grow space to that since I was graciously/generously handed some free beans to test from KaosAngel. Maybe after the Bam slam. We can organize another grow off.

We should totally organize an awesome grow off..Like the bam slam. Can call it a spring fling or something. Im down if your down:tiphat:

I might be able to throw in some free beans as a prize.
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Neko, How you doing this morning? They are looking good! Do you have 4 going now? Are you getting ready to build a greenhouse? Have a great day man!


Hey, Jack! Thanks man. She is starting to bush out now. Very relieved to see her growing out great after my last 2 mistakes lol. Should have know that soil was going to be to hot.

Dude! Buds growin on the bottom? Thats some awesome type of strange of activity. :woohoo:

Hey bandit my brother. totally dont want to betray the organic way lol =P, or I would get some of that stuff. My combo of tap water+molasses+Kelp seems to do the trick. I just need to make sure I start feeding molasses+kelp liquid from the get go. one of my purple berry baskets got the same yellowing as my krippleberry got before I gave it a nice dose of molasses/kelp.

Oh, and Im sad to say. Im not going to be able to do the bam slam. the space I was going to have for the BAM, is being taken up by my KAOS Kreation test grow. dedicating half my grow space to that since I was graciously/generously handed some free beans to test from KaosAngel. Maybe after the Bam slam. We can organize another grow off.

We should totally organize an awesome grow off..Like the bam slam. Can call it a spring fling or something. Im down if your down:tiphat:

I might be able to throw in some free beans as a prize.

That would be cool, bro! I think doing a few strain specific grows each year would be cool! I think maybe wait until the summer, though. That way, you have plenty of time to pick a strain, build some hype, and the contestants have plenty of time to order gear, and clear up grow space!
@ TheGreaanBandit
Hey man!. Yea bro. That sounds legit, and yes I got 4 at the moment. My lights supposed to come today. So, Im going to be planting 4 bender auto's from Kaos Kreations. Total of 8 plants. DUDE! I wish I had a greenhouse to build. That would be some epic shit man. :Gary:

Seriously though man. Im down to organise a grow off of some strain. What strain would you like?

Im thinking maybe Cream Of The crop Cropical fruit or Dinafem Og Kush....Im down for any strain man. What do you think?
I don't know, bro! This one's on you! LOL! Something exotic! No rush, though. There's plenty of time to pick a strain, name the competition, build the hype, etc...
Your going to have to buy a pair of overalls Neko you're starting a farm. :d5: What did you get for a new light?

Aight man. I think Im going to do it. I have some strains in mind. Its going to be hard to choose which one, but I can do it lol. I can probably do something for a first prize too.

@ Jackmc

Hey, whats up man?
lol a super micro min farm heh. :Gary:

I ended up getting the 300wat mars hrydo panel (180watt actual draw) Hot damn its bright man. I plugged it in before I put it in my box. the whole room was SUPER lit up. SUPER bright man. Really excited to see what its going to grow me. :bow: