Grow Room "NekoSempai's Candy Kush/Krippleberry grow"

Thank JackMc my man. :Sharing One:Stepping stoned to success I say!"JM's a Hippy"


Drive by update!

Cut off the bottom of the 32oz cup and sat it on top of another 32oz cup with the same soil. 2 parts perlite. Stickin with Dr.earths to see just exactly how she will turn out in just Dr.earths soil. Hopefulling adding the extra room for roots will get her to stretch a little more. I kind of hit a root when cutting. Hopefully she will be ok with that. For the most part. I didnt do any root damage. We will see how she responds in time. I got to learn some how =P

Exciting for the results..Good or bad.

The little 1 gallon girl is doing super good. She is growing with a lot more vigor so far over the first 2. Hopefully she will like the soil within the 1 gallon, once her roots really get in there.
Day 5

Day 20
SUNP0015.JPGSUNP0016.JPGSUNP0017.JPGPreflowers. Will be fun to see a popsicle bud on this little girl. Supuh stunted. "Size Matters" Hopefully Ill get a big stick.

I was going to say something else, but Im pretty baked. As it is my day off today. Cloudy cool weather. Drifting off with the tunes in the BG. ....Damn..I just remembered I got luandry to do lol.:banghead:

Oh, I remember what I was going to say.
Looking Good Neko! How'd you week go? Any exciting plans this weekend?"pher Wiggle"
Thanks my man Jackmc. Good week except today my co-worker was buggin, but thats no biggie heh. This weekend..working tomorrow and sunday..well thats my day off..and I plan to get Super Stoned Sunday, and ride my road bike around the city. Nothing crazy =P. Hbu man? anything exciting?
yeah buddy,they look good dude.!!I wish I had room for some of those pfb's man.hope they do well and get a fem.Heres to a Stoney Frigin Weekend playing in dirt LOL and brewing and drinking sum Tea LOL!:banghead::Sharing One:
Hey, whats up Eye's my man. Dude! I have a feeling that at any given time. You always have some kind of tea brewin LOL! :Sharing One:

Definitely excited for a pfb female man. Definitely going to be a sweet surpriseHop digity.
Yeah every time I turn around ppl ask about teas n things n I have a staggered grow going on atm so Im brewing different strengths at various times LOL!so I bet it does seem like Im brewing all the time.but usually 2-5 times per grow depending on what I wanna try n do and time to do and devote to a strain.

I cant wait to drop several of the pfb's myself.:Sharing One:
Happy Sunday Man! Welcome to your day off.:Sharing One:
@ EyesOnFire
Yea man. You definitely have your work cut out for you lol. You must have to wright down everything your doing to keep track of whats going where..who is drinking what, and how much. :Sharing One:

LOL thanks man. Feels good to be here at my day off. Best location to wake up into. Now I just need to make a cup of coffe then hit my vape pen :coffee2::smoke:

My style of Coffe and some herbs. Best way to wake then bake =P. :Sharing One:
Just a quick mini update. Just noting that I installed the ventech inline booster fan + Carbon filter combo up. Definitely loving the fan speed controller I got with it too. Should have gotten one earlier.

Now, all I need one more LED, and its on and kicking full force.

Hope everyones sunday is going/ has gone good. Cheers everyone.
SUNP0018.JPGSUNP0020.JPG Ghetto'ing it up with the Duck tape. For now.......My dumb ass forgot duct clamps........:face: Hop digity

Quick peek of the girls.

Tail end of Day 7

Tail end of Day 22

She looks a tad over watered. Probably because of the lower 32oz that had plenty of water, but the top one was pretty dry. So have to give it a little water. She was perked up yesterday. Little dropping at the end of the day. Looks like she probably needs some N. Have not really been feeding her since the soil has some N. So, Im trying not to get and tip burn. I think she is looking ready for a nice little Fish juice boost when she is thirsty again.definitely going to be a small one.

Little one is looking on point so far . So, im excited to see how this one develops over the next few weeks. Will probably start supplimenting some N+Kelp+Molasses within a week. I want to get this little girl more dialed in then here underwhelming sisters lol.(my fault =P)

A strugle is a good lesson learning opportunity. No matter what, keep on growing and adapting. "AFN smoke out""JM's a Hippy":smile:
Just a quick mini update. Just noting that I installed the ventech inline booster fan + Carbon filter combo up. Definitely loving the fan speed controller I got with it too. Should have gotten one earlier.

Now, all I need one more LED, and its on and kicking full force.

Hope everyones sunday is going/ has gone good. Cheers everyone.
View attachment 401279View attachment 401280 Ghetto'ing it up with the Duck tape. For now.......My dumb ass forgot duct clamps........:face: Hop digity

Quick peek of the girls.

Tail end of Day 7
View attachment 401281

Tail end of Day 22
View attachment 401284View attachment 401282View attachment 401283

She looks a tad over watered. Probably because of the lower 32oz that had plenty of water, but the top one was pretty dry. So have to give it a little water. She was perked up yesterday. Little dropping at the end of the day. Looks like she probably needs some N. Have not really been feeding her since the soil has some N. So, Im trying not to get and tip burn. I think she is looking ready for a nice little Fish juice boost when she is thirsty again.definitely going to be a small one.

Little one is looking on point so far . So, im excited to see how this one develops over the next few weeks. Will probably start supplimenting some N+Kelp+Molasses within a week. I want to get this little girl more dialed in then here underwhelming sisters lol.(my fault =P)

A strugle is a good lesson learning opportunity. No matter what, keep on growing and adapting. "AFN smoke out""JM's a Hippy":smile: