Sweet Seeds Neko's Sweets.

Thanks my brother. I know you will love some sweet seeds. The terpene profiles for pretty much all the sweet seeds are right up your ally man.
lol, the terpene profile..The terpenoids, which are the chemicals in cannabis responsible for its smells/taste. Which also have some effects ob the THC/cannabonoids. =)

The black cream sure is reaching for the sky lol.
After watching this grow I know there will be sweet seeds in my next seed order. Thoses girls look very happy.
Hey, thanks virginia gent! You wont regret your choice. She is growing with ease as well. Not giving me any fuss, nor hassle. Growing itself practically. Cheers friend. :Sharing One:
It's gonna smell so delicious up in there once those girls go into bloom! That's gonna be one sexy ass bunch of buds real soon! Once I finish up these dragons I should be starting within a week, I'll be doing another Sweet Seed, or two. Might run the DD right back, or try a Red Poison. Or, I just might cop some Black Cream beans. Either way, Sweet Seeds is in my very near future.
Hey, whats good my brother. Good to see you passin through man. Thanks man! I cant wait to see the buds on this black cream. The little tiny preflowers that are starting to take form. Are completely purple/blackish. So relieved that I didnt get the green pheno. Not that it would be bad smoke. I just need some more color in my life, and I do love me some purple or black buds.

You should grow a black cream, and a red poison for sure haha. Your doing dragons? When did you start some dragons man ? Which ones you got going? I got 1 mandarin dragon going right now. Really loving the structure on these dragon strains. They have some pretty perfect internode spacing between each bud site. Ill be doing the S.A.D after this BC , or one of my mephisto girls finish. The dragon has sweets Cream mandarin in it. So, I can kinda of see the sweets strcture in it. Im honestly thoroughly enjoying growing Sweets. These girls give me no fuss, or complaints. Cheers my friend.:pass:
Got a fresh update.
All I can say is its growing tall, developing its nice lower branches, and is growing itself.

Just been feeding her the normal fish,kelp,molasses, and general organics calmag. Will be making a compost tea(drearth total advantage 5-7-2) in a few waterings.

jamacalionafrica.jpg"AFN smoke out"

My new little friend is S.A.D
SUNP0071.JPG She is in a bottomless 32oz cup filled with dr.earths seedling mix..Mainly peat moss. I have thos cup sitting bottomless ontop of a 2 gallon smart pot.