New Grower Negative ions and coils grows big buddha blue cheese auto

Jan 5, 2015
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Okay, geek with a plan here. I'm not heavily experienced with growing. However I hope to bring more of natures elements indoors. Question - why is it plants grow massive outdoors with less nutrients ? Well several factors are tulleric current "earths natural electricity flow" shumann resonance "earths singing frequency" Northpole to Southpole magnet field. All these beautiful natural things are missing on the inside.

phillips have heavily invested into light tech. I'm using the D-papillons with daylight spectrum. I will replace to the bloom bulb when the times comes. That's my way to mimic the sun.

Tulleric Current - this is a consistent electric pulse of our amazing planet. I have made a starship coil thats attached to a small negative ion generator. I have attached pics. Now I have all my plants humming inside the same energy field.

Shuman resonance - I have a recording of earths tone from a science webpage and put it into the 432HZ frequency range. My plants dance to this. Lots of experiments have been done with music improving growth. This is my first initial experiment with music and tones.

Okay magnets of North and South. I have a Autopot butt container system and I've stuck magnets in both polarities all over. I've also spray glued the container and covered it in magnetite. Please google magnetite water plant growth.

Wind treatment - negative ionised fan

Nutrients - nothing except Epsom salt for the first 30 days :) led users be warned. You will have bleaching problems unless you use cal and mag. That's the only deficiency I can detect. Bloom phase - sensi bloom A+B and humboldts golden tree.

Seeds from the amazing Herbies - who originally made a mistake and then overloaded me with freebies - big buddha cheese

Soil Bio Bizz

Day one to day twenty one images attached.
Yeah if we push it off a cliff with all this attached then maybe we could :). One thing is for sure. If I apply the 12v to the magnet water butt I get a shock greater than 12v and that's a dead cert. so I'm getting some type of additional free energy
Ill be curiously watching the results of this grow for sure! Id be lieing if I said I knew what it all was or how it worked, but electrical pulses and starship coils sound interesting enough and it sounds like you know what you are talking about. Wish you best of luck in your grow:goodluck:
this is going to be cool! subbed in fo sho
As an electrician this looks pretty rad. Count me in.