Need some help with my autos plz!

Apr 12, 2020
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Hey guys! just got a quick question. so im not sure if what im getting here is a deficiency or just a bad genetics from crop kings. but i have 3 white widdow autos that were all started at the same time all watered with the same mixtures in soil ocean forest. one of my plants have been flowering for a week now maybe a day or so less and the other ones i feel like slowed way down right as they were popping pistols. i see some red on some of the newer stems at the end of the nodes. but other then that it looks pretty healthy. maybe some twisting of the new leaves here n there but i think thats a genetic thing because all of them did that even in my last grow. the last 2 waterings ive only added cal mag just in case its some over nuteing or something but now im not sure. ph run off is 6.8 and i usually ph my water from 6.2-6.6 ish light is about 15 inches away. normal nute dose is 2ml of cal mag, 2ml of micro, 1ml gro, 2ml of bloom for weeks 4-6 if you could help that would be cool. the slowish flowering is whats getting me here idk why one plant is so far ahead of flowering then the other 2 when they are the same age and strain. Thanks in advance


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@lFraXurel :welcome:to AFN :welcome:.

It is hard to tell the health of the plants in that light. Put a 5000K (daylight) light bulb on the end of an extension cord to take diagnostic pictures. I don't see anything wrong. Every plant from a seed is different. It is normal to perceive that the plant as not growing fast after the stretch the growth is not as noticeable. What are your temperatures? 68°F night 78°F day is just right if lower then plants will slow growth. if after another week and it still does not start to flower then maybe a genetic problem with Photoperiod plant being dominant. :welcome::welcome:
Hey guys! just got a quick question. so im not sure if what im getting here is a deficiency or just a bad genetics from crop kings. but i have 3 white widdow autos that were all started at the same time all watered with the same mixtures in soil ocean forest. one of my plants have been flowering for a week now maybe a day or so less and the other ones i feel like slowed way down right as they were popping pistols. i see some red on some of the newer stems at the end of the nodes. but other then that it looks pretty healthy. maybe some twisting of the new leaves here n there but i think thats a genetic thing because all of them did that even in my last grow. the last 2 waterings ive only added cal mag just in case its some over nuteing or something but now im not sure. ph run off is 6.8 and i usually ph my water from 6.2-6.6 ish light is about 15 inches away. normal nute dose is 2ml of cal mag, 2ml of micro, 1ml gro, 2ml of bloom for weeks 4-6 if you could help that would be cool. the slowish flowering is whats getting me here idk why one plant is so far ahead of flowering then the other 2 when they are the same age and strain. Thanks in advance


You said two things that made the light come on in my head.
Red stems and twisting leaves.
This is the first sign of magnesium deficiency. Looking at your ratios of nutes.
You're adding too much calmag by percentage to the other components.
My advice would be to stop using the calmag for now.
If you start seeing the slightest rust spots on your lower leaves, start the calmag again but in 1/2...or 1ml doses.
What is happening is the calmag is starting to lock out the magnesium.
Lets prove this by stopping the calmag on the next feed. And sub for 100ppm of epsom salt (magnesium).
The stems will go green again, from purple.
And growth will resume. Usually a visible change in 24 to 48 hrs.
There already is plenty of cal and mag in the
GH flora trio you're using. Cut down the dose until the plant shows signs of cal def'c.
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Okay cool at least I have some sort of plan to try out. I will do that and let you know how it goes. I water tonight so I'll try that today. Thank you
Temps are like 68-72 day and maybe drops to 65 sometimes but not much. It's pretty steady around 70
The other 2 do have a decent amount of pistols I just feel like they popped pistols and then slowed right down and the other one kept going and is in full flower.
How tall are the plants.
How big are the pots.
What is your ph going in.
What is your run off ph