Need some help with my autos plz!

All looks good.
The added magnesium should do the trick.
You do have an EC pen right?
All looks good.
The added magnesium should do the trick.
You do have an EC pen right?
Yes I watered today with no cal mag. But with my other 3 nutes and some epson salt so fingers crossed. I'll keep you updated. Thank you!!!
Yes I watered today with no cal mag. But with my other 3 nutes and some epson salt so fingers crossed. I'll keep you updated. Thank you!!!
Cheers bro.
I am confident it will save your grow till harvest:smoking:
Growth may still be slow for the next couple of days.
But damage control will stop the situation from getting worst.
Find the darkest purple stem as your reference.
And keep an eye on it as your canary in the coal mine .
When the stem starts going green once again.
Repeat todays process but with 1/2 the epsom.
Monitor the stem as your gauge.
Keep nutes up and Mg as low as possible.
The reason being, Mg will fix the present issue but cause lock out of all the other nutes and stop growth if too high.
I will be keeping an Eye open on this thread.
This too shall pass.
Stay safe bro
GC :cheers:
Was just thinking.
You can give your plants a light foliar spray as well to help recoup from This condition.
100ppm mg in plain water, ph to 6.5.
Spray at lights out...for 2 or 3 days.
Not during lights on.
It'll burn your leaves.

Cheers bro.
I am confident it will save your grow till harvest:smoking:
Growth may still be slow for the next couple of days.
But damage control will stop the situation from getting worst.
Find the darkest purple stem as your reference.
And keep an eye on it as your canary in the coal mine .
When the stem starts going green once again.
Repeat todays process but with 1/2 the epsom.
Monitor the stem as your gauge.
Keep nutes up and Mg as low as possible.
The reason being, Mg will fix the present issue but cause lock out of all the other nutes and stop growth if too high.
I will be keeping an Eye open on this thread.
This too shall pass.
Stay safe bro
GC :cheers:
Does it look like its flowering now? Or still just pre flower. It's still hard for me to tell. Its growing a lot of pistils but I think my other plants have always came a lot faster when flowering.


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Does it look like its flowering now? Or still just pre flower. It's still hard for me to tell. Its growing a lot of pistils but I think my other plants have always came a lot faster when flowering.
We are almost at 8 weeks now so I think it's either having some genetic problem or I just slowed its life cycle down. I know autos normally take 10 to 12 weeks tho so it might turn around but the other one it flowering pretty damn well at even 1 day younger so idk but it looks pretty damn healthy so I guess we will see


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Don't remember what your nutes are, but start increasing P & K.
Nice and slow.
But the plants looking good so far...
Flowering is not an exact science or day..
One day at a time...
All will finish well, I'm sure:thumbsup:
Don't remember what your nutes are, but start increasing P & K.
Nice and slow.
But the plants looking good so far...
Flowering is not an exact science or day..
One day at a time...
All will finish well, I'm sure:thumbsup:
ya this is my second tyime growing a auto so its all just new and wierd to me. i here they are pretty finicky
Yes they are.
I think most people comment on autos being finnicky as compared to photos...just because most of the time photos are grown outside.
I have found autos grown indoors are temperamental because of the lights we use too.
ALL light we're using is artificial compared to the sun. And the plant tries to adapt.