Indoor Need idea for under pots !


Cultivators Club
Oct 5, 2021
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I'm struggling to find a way to elevate the pots from the saucer...
Ideally I would like to use circular metal grill of some sort, but where to find this stuff ??
Any input is welcome !
Pot elevators are your friend. If you have a hydro store nearby, they're only a couple $$ each. Online are more expensive. I found some place in Michigan that charged a fair price awhile back since all the stores near me were out. I would have to look to see if I can find them again. Apparently, I'm a dumbass and forgot to bookmark the site.
Hydro Pros is the place I got them, but they are sold out. And it looks like you are in europe anyway. Not sure what your hydro store situation is like, but they are generally common to find at most of them.

Here is a photo and the link if anyone comes across this later. Very sturdy and keeps the pot out of the water.

I'm looking at getting these soon.
Pack of 8, should be big enough for 5gal pots.
Come out to about $2.87 Per elevator
Amazon product
Thank you so much, I'll check this !
Had no idea it was a common product for grower...
I thought I provided an Amazon link?

Link is below:
Amazon product

If that doesn't work try looking on amazon yourself, if you're using 5gal pots a 12in elevator should be big enough.
Link is not showing, but I did find some elevators on amazon.
I'm looking at getting these soon.
Pack of 8, should be big enough for 5gal pots.
Come out to about $2.87 Per elevator
Amazon product

That’s actually a REALLY good price. I would grab them like now before the price goes up. If you look at other elevators on Amazon they run around $12 each = a gouge.