Need help with prob of Auto Pls

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I will give ya the quick and dirty version, lol...There's like a 70 post thread on it....

Started 9
Seedling Soil
Perlite 20%
Happy Frogs 20%

Started in Root Riot Cubes in prob station. Went to 5 inch Jiffy Pots when they showed roots.
The Jiffy Potts were a big mistake, no air ....
All popped on 14th Except one Berry Ryder on the 4th

Lighting started with 4 CFL'S 3x23w, 28w and par 38 LED bulb at 12inches away. After day 3 tip burns on leaves, so I pull the led. Burns keep coming hard and fast....Most are fast strains, 60-70 days seed to harvest and I'm at 37 on the first I think.

All were stunted very badly so asked around, breeder said to repot, nute co said they would snap out. Plus all the help from peps online. I talked to the head grower and asked why would they snap out of it now, just out of the blue after this much time. He didn't know how to answer me.....
So that was a few days ago and they looked good at first, now just kind of sitting there, giving me the finger!

I will put a few shots in after transplant....About to pull one and replace it, I think this is the 3rd or 4th replacement so far I'd have to look at my notes.
Glad I used inexpensive genetics,lol.
The lighting isn't great, 5 CFL'S and LED bulb. I have ran my "real" Grow light on them but only for a few hours at a time. It's to big for the area, don't have Tent setup yet.
Do you think running that Grow light for 6hrs a day is bad thing? Didn't want to freak them out and herm.
What else......PPM is fine, 35ppm
RH 40-60
Temp 68 lights out and 75-78 F
PH was a little off at beginning but better now...But some peps are telling me that in soil it buffers it so not as big of a deal like in hydro.
Using spring water in 1 gal fabric Pots with 2 fans.
Here are a few pics, I think that's most of it....Thx in advance!!!
I will give ya the quick and dirty version, lol...There's like a 70 post thread on it....

Started 9
Seedling Soil
Perlite 20%
Happy Frogs 20%

Started in Root Riot Cubes in prob station. Went to 5 inch Jiffy Pots when they showed roots.
The Jiffy Potts were a big mistake, no air ....
All popped on 14th Except one Berry Ryder on the 4th

Lighting started with 4 CFL'S 3x23w, 28w and par 38 LED bulb at 12inches away. After day 3 tip burns on leaves, so I pull the led. Burns keep coming hard and fast....Most are fast strains, 60-70 days seed to harvest and I'm at 37 on the first I think.

All were stunted very badly so asked around, breeder said to repot, nute co said they would snap out. Plus all the help from peps online. I talked to the head grower and asked why would they snap out of it now, just out of the blue after this much time. He didn't know how to answer me.....
So that was a few days ago and they looked good at first, now just kind of sitting there, giving me the finger!

I will put a few shots in after transplant....About to pull one and replace it, I think this is the 3rd or 4th replacement so far I'd have to look at my notes.
Glad I used inexpensive genetics,lol.
The lighting isn't great, 5 CFL'S and LED bulb. I have ran my "real" Grow light on them but only for a few hours at a time. It's to big for the area, don't have Tent setup yet.
Do you think running that Grow light for 6hrs a day is bad thing? Didn't want to freak them out and herm.
What else......PPM is fine, 35ppm
RH 40-60
Temp 68 lights out and 75-78 F
PH was a little off at beginning but better now...But some peps are telling me that in soil it buffers it so not as big of a deal like in hydro.
Using spring water in 1 gal fabric Pots with 2 fans.
Here are a few pics, I think that's most of it....Thx in advance!!!

The one with pre-flowers is the oldest popped Jan7th
That's the biggest Root ball, there were hardly any roots on any of the cubes.


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You need more light. I call that lazy roots. A couple of things lead there - not enough light, the plant cannot make the energy it needs to grow roots and watering too near the plant when the plant first gets started. If the plant finds all of the water it needs without growing more roots then that is what it will do.

If you live in the states I would buy an autocob From @BigSm0 if not in the USA then MarsHydro has some good lights at fair prices. Our online rep is @MarshydroTina
You need more light. I call that lazy roots. A couple of things lead there - not enough light, the plant cannot make the energy it needs to grow roots and watering too near the plant when the plant first gets started. If the plant finds all of the water it needs without growing more roots then that is what it will do.

If you live in the states I would buy an autocob From @BigSm0 if not in the USA then MarsHydro has some good lights at fair prices. Our online rep is @MarshydroTina
I'm not following you on the watering thing...There in 1 gal Pots? Many grow in smaller pots and get better results. I mean I follow your logic but how else do you water it?
Yes needs much more light, I have Grow lights just not for the space that it is in. That being said there are 120 watts of. CFL's, similar wattage led bulb par 38 and for 6-8 hrs I put a Cali Grow Lights 500 in front of them.
Wouldn't that be enough light to get them more than 2.5 inches tall?
I'm not following you on the watering thing...There in 1 gal Pots? Many grow in smaller pots and get better results. I mean I follow your logic but how else do you water it?
Yes needs much more light, I have Grow lights just not for the space that it is in. That being said there are 120 watts of. CFL's, similar wattage led bulb par 38 and for 6-8 hrs I put a Cali Grow Lights 500 in front of them.
Wouldn't that be enough light to get them more than 2.5 inches tall?

Okay, re read it.....
Would you NOT water as close as the cube that it's in? I did have one dampen off....

I haven't put ANY nutes in since transplant. Do you think I should and if so which one? Like Grow or Base, more N or less? Thx!
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Okay, re read it.....
Would you NOT water as close as the cube that it's in? I did have one dampen off....
Watering is an art as much as it is a science. In soil you should always water (fertigate) the entire pot when it has lost about 50% of its moisture. When you first fill a pot weigh it (heft it). Then carefully and slowly water the pot until it will hold no more water. Weigh it again (heft it). the first weight is the driest weight the second is the wettest. The difference is the weight of the water. So lets say you added 1 gallon of water ~8.3 pounds, when the pot is ~4.2 pounds lighter it is time to water again. Does that make sense to you?

When I transplant into the 6" rock wool blocks they are completely saturated (they almost hold a gallon of water!) Then I do not water them for 9 days. This encourages the roots to fill the cube to get water. You want to accomplish the same thing in soil it is just harder to tell when to water.
Watering is an art as much as it is a science. In soil you should always water (fertigate) the entire pot when it has lost about 50% of its moisture. When you first fill a pot weigh it (heft it). Then carefully and slowly water the pot until it will hold no more water. Weigh it again (heft it). the first weight is the driest weight the second is the wettest. The difference is the weight of the water. So lets say you added 1 gallon of water ~8.3 pounds, when the pot is ~4.2 pounds lighter it is time to water again. Does that make sense to you?

When I transplant into the 6" rock wool blocks they are completely saturated (they almost hold a gallon of water!) Then I do not water them for 9 days. This encourages the roots to fill the cube to get water. You want to accomplish the same thing in soil it is just harder to tell when to water.
Yeah that makes since, I've gotten used to the weight of the pots. Would you say rockwool creates a stronger seedling than peat and you can use it in soil? I'm still scared that a bag of pre mositen cubes may get some sort of fungus in it before you use it.
I'm not following you on the watering thing...There in 1 gal Pots? Many grow in smaller pots and get better results. I mean I follow your logic but how else do you water it?
Yes needs much more light, I have Grow lights just not for the space that it is in. That being said there are 120 watts of. CFL's, similar wattage led bulb par 38 and for 6-8 hrs I put a Cali Grow Lights 500 in front of them.
Wouldn't that be enough light to get them more than 2.5 inches tall?

Thanks for mention, If there is a need of grow lights, don't hesitate to try Mars!!! :biggrin::smoking: