Hey, Masta Chiefa 420. Sorry to hear your having trouble with your girls.
Big fan of the candy kush myself.
Ill tell you that going from 2 gallon bag, down to a small 8 inch pot will get you a significantly smaller plant. I dont think this is what the main cause of it is.
You didnt switch the type of water you were using. Fresh to tap?
So, you planted them directly into Fox farm Light warrior soil? Which, you also did on the last successful grow?
You also didn’t feed them any different?
Only difference being that the MH went out, and an HPS went in place? Idk to much about vegging with an HPS, but it seems like it shouldn’t have caused this much lack of growth.
You could let them grow out, and see what you get. Seems worth it to get a little extra bud, instead of no extra bud. Unless you would rather be starting new ones in the space your using for them.
Keep us posted my friend. :Sharing One: