New Grower Need Help Asap Auto Seedlings

Mar 10, 2015
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I hv been growing autos for a while , but hv never ran into this problem . But im using leds now plus hps . I hv been only using hps so far , but decided to atart using leds

Setup :
Fox farms soil and Happy frog soil mixed
4x2x5 grow tent its ventilated
2-300 watt leds
400 watt hps

So im thinking its either the soil is hot or its the led burning them . Plants r only 14 days old , i hv a total of 4 plants the other 2 r doing ok . So it leads me to think its the soil , what do u guys think plz help !!!! CAM01191.jpgCAM01194.jpgCAM01192.jpgCAM01193.jpg
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I too am using Happy Frog. Granted I am using it straight out of the bag on a few plants spread over a couple of different grows. My girls did that same thing and I thought if was nitrogen toxicity being I had clawed leaves even though they were turning yellow. I have a couple of girls going now that are 15 days old and they did the same thing. This time I gave them a dose of Cal Mag less than 2 days later and they are getting their green color back and most of the "clawing" is gone. If you got it maybe give them a 1/2 dose.

Just my 2 cent worth.
I am a noob, but from what I've been told on my plants, the lighter green could be a nitrogen deficiency. I do not know about the brown spots, but I have seen charts where the leaves are spotted like that. Just wish I could remember what the charts said.
Your LED will deplete cal/mag. So if you are not supplementing cal/mag your plants will become deficient quickly. That is what the rusty spots usually are. I would also check soil ph to make sure there is not a lock out issue.
Couldn't tell exactly, but I suspect it's a combination of issues: I would have just the Led or just the HPS for another month. It would make the most sense to use just Led for now since it'll like HPS better in flower. Autos are more prone to calmag deficiency under Led, so it should be time to use a calmag supprement, starting at about 25%-50% strength for a couple weeks. Thirdly, there's a chance the soil is too hot, i.e. too much nutrient, or potentially PH too high/low as that can inadvertently lock out nutrients.

I'd start with turning off the HPS for awhile and adding some calmag, see how it does in a week. :)
Ok guys thanks and ya i do hv some cal mag . They r due for a watering in about a day or two , so should i just water now , or wait until watering time .

They r in big pots so to get runoff i might hv to drown them lol .
Ok guys thanks and ya i do hv some cal mag . They r due for a watering in about a day or two , so should i just water now , or wait until watering time .

They r in big pots so to get runoff i might hv to drown them lol .
Sorry double posted , ok so i gv them calmag and then collected some runoff in a cup and tested with ph meter its said 4.9 ph lol , . Thats nt good
whats the ph of water going in ?