Hi, folks need a little advice and thought why not come straight to the breeders spot. I have been reading a lot of the grow logs here and on DP's blog, loved the results. So, I ordered some TD and Mazar's. My dilemma is that I want to try them both on my next grow but am not sure if my tent can handle it. I have a 4x2x5 mylar tent on the way, the lights that will be in it are a 90w & 135w ufo leds, 2 x 42w, 4x18w cfls 2700k. They will each be in their own 3.5 gallon bubbler, I also plan to try some LSTing. Can this work or would I be in for a big green bushy mess? I welcome all advice, been having the itch to start germing them but will wait to see what the consensus is, Thanks!!