Fast Buds Nectar for the girl scout cookies

Aug 23, 2015
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OK guys time for Pete here to give fast buds a try and what better strain to start with than GSC. Before we get started id like to give thanks to aunty @Mossy and @briman for hooking it up with these awesome beans during the 420 live stoners fun day. It was a great day and I recommend you check it out some time....
Well normally I'd start right away with a thread when I popped the beans but I've been super busy and am just getting the chance to get this up....the girls are 7days old today and are gearing up for their first feed within the next few days. All the are in 3 gallon pots. Two are in sunshine ultra coir and one is in promix HP. Will get pics up this evening
I'm changing some things around possibly in my garden that will be more permanent like soil and nutrients. I've been using promix HP and advanced nutrients for my growing career but this style grow was just mirrored from others to get good results while I learn things....well now I'm ready to venture off on my own and do my own thing so I've decided one of these girls will be grown using my old style. And the other two will b feeding nectar for the gods from start to finish. Im sure most of you are familiar with tangs feeding schedule with advanced nutrients, that is what I will be using in the promix so I won't b documenting much more than pictures with that girl as we are all familiar with the feed regimen and the nutrients. So my main focus is the new soil and new line up.
Sunshine advanced ultra coir is a peat/coco/perlite mix. Great water retention but great drainage capabilities. It is a very very light mix with some organic amendments to get things started. I will begin feed on day 10....with these nutrients and soil I will be using a drain to waste style feeding. During veg I will feed water feed water....around day 30 as I start approaching bloom I will begin a feed, feed, water regimen. I will also b using some teas during the grow to feed the microbes.
The nutrients that I chose are bottled organic, and it is a calcium driven line. Each feeding I will give my measurements used. I will be starting at 1/4 strength and will do my best to explain what I'm doing and why along the way. I'm fairly new to organics but have finished two plants with this line so far and had pretty good results so now I'm ready to really move forward with it and get some info out there. Hopefully this grow can be of some help to someone....
@Jupiter @marleyoneluv
So I'm a jack ass and after reading my emails from the owner I may take his advice on feeding......this is from our email...

I personally do a feed feed compost tea, then feed feed flush. I do less volume more often with the exception of the flush days, and the flush days I use the herculean harvest in those. Now when I am feeling lazy or overworked, I will hit them with just water, but for the most part I do more nutrients then plain water.
It’s not really about the P as far as flower production. It is more about the elements that will build up the cells in the flower. Calcium in the Herculean, Demeters and aphrodites will make stringer cells in the flower, and athena will offer the other major building block for all cell, L-amino acids. If I had to recommend one, Athena. Recommend two? Demeter’s.
Hope this helps
So I guess this won't b a drain to waste style haha....the joys of switching lines and soils...constant learning....but I feel I'm going to nail it!
Best of luck man. You're going to kill it. I was looking forward to the drain to waste as this really intrigues me but maybe next time :)
Hey Pete, I'm using NftG on my photo & one thing that became an issue is lack of potassium in the line. My poor girl is on week 5 in flower & hurting bad so I had to pick up another supplement for just K. My auto girl is on the same line & I'll be adding the K supplement to her feeds as well.
Hey Pete, I'm using NftG on my photo & one thing that became an issue is lack of potassium in the line. My poor girl is on week 5 in flower & hurting bad so I had to pick up another supplement for just K. My auto girl is on the same line & I'll be adding the K supplement to her feeds as well.
Which line of theirs are you using? I'll keep an eye out for K Def. Thanks for the heads up!!!
@Jupiter sorry man! Hopefully I can keep it interesting still! Lol
I have everything but the new calcium supplement they developed. I just bought Morpheus today as that was the only bottle I was missing for the advanced schedule. I've been using the advanced schedule at full strength for my photo PGSC & she's loved it except for the lack of K. I started adding Bloom Khaos last week and upped the Herculean Harvest as suggested by Oregon's Only site.
My grow shop gave me a sample of BioAg Cytoplus for the K & I bought Ohrstrom's Maxicrop 0-0-17 for feeding once Cytoplus has been used.
I have everything but the new calcium supplement they developed. I just bought Morpheus today as that was the only bottle I was missing for the advanced schedule. I've been using the advanced schedule at full strength for my photo PGSC & she's loved it except for the lack of K. I started adding Bloom Khaos last week and upped the Herculean Harvest as suggested by Oregon's Only site.
My grow shop gave me a sample of BioAg Cytoplus for the K & I bought Ohrstrom's Maxicrop 0-0-17 for feeding once Cytoplus has been used.
Nice, I'll ask my boss about the K deficiency. I work at the local grow shop so I'll try to get some more info. Thanks for the heads up though, did u notice the K def. Before or after use of bloom khaos
I noticed this last week image.jpegimage.jpeg, browning edges & tips on frosty sugar leaves on the main & a few secondary colas (sorry for the askew pics, I apparently discarded the good pics from my phone). I trimmed off the "infected" leaves & posted in the infirmary on the potpros side. Grim reefer & Duggy both responded - Duggy thought my ppm might be too high, Grim thought it was K deficiency. I thought I had K going but I upped the P in a n00b error (first grow ever). Today I walked into the tent & wanted to hug my plant, she's gotten worse so I checked the bottles & realized my error with the P & K mistake. She'll be getting Cytoplus on tomorrow & will hopefully look better by the end of next week.
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Now I know what K deficiency looks like first hand & prepared to fix it, lesson learned.