It is always a pleasure to help new members and by sharing hints and tips, you get to pass them on to other new growers, down the line!
AFN is know for it's sharing and caring attitude and to be able to help other members, this is what makes us a family of growers!
Fish mix is a great vegging feed, if a tiny bit whiffy (lol) but I prefer it to Biobizz Grow.
Way back in time I was a member of Strain Hunters forum and I was one of the first to try Powder Feeding, I really liked it and I had some great results using it! Back then it was just non organic feed. I'm sure the bio bloom will do the same great job!
Super Soil is something I still haven't used or made but I see great results when using it.
From what I ready you can recharge Super Soil, so as time goes on maybe by the extra bag of Sohum and keep building the soil up?
If you are recharging Super Soil, it may be a good idea to run some Cannazyme through it to break up any old root matter.
It is a great shame that we have lost Subcool earlier this year, he was an innovator but ironically, he didn't like autoflowers!
I would encourage you to have a search around on the interweb for Recharging Super Soil Recipes, there is lots to find but I will leave that for you!
:pop: I look forward to seeing how your ladies grow, I've just got in a fresh batch of popcorn!

Always a pleasure brother, and highly appreciated

Tge green house feed has been around, theres like so many varieties in the chemical range, they've added some new powders like calmag and boost and so on.

Did your gh powder produce white fluffy roots with the cotton fluffing reaction on the surface of plant plant.

Haha yh theres a few icons that dont like autos , but the ease and speed is excellent. And there it too fussy on light.

Next run I'm doing coco and perlite, I'm done with soil for know lol.

I'd gh feeds works out I'll be using them for the long run.

But I am eyeing up emerald harvest nutes foo be honest.
Always a pleasure brother, and highly appreciated

Tge green house feed has been around, theres like so many varieties in the chemical range, they've added some new powders like calmag and boost and so on.

Did your gh powder produce white fluffy roots with the cotton fluffing reaction on the surface of plant plant.

Haha yh theres a few icons that dont like autos , but the ease and speed is excellent. And there it too fussy on light.

Next run I'm doing coco and perlite, I'm done with soil for know lol.

I'd gh feeds works out I'll be using them for the long run.

But I am eyeing up emerald harvest nutes foo be honest.
I never had cotton fluffing on the surface of the soil.
I did pop over to see what new product the Greenhouse nutes had, whilst I was there I saw a pic on their site, which showed some fluffy Mycorrhizae on the top of the soil.
I always add Mycorrhizae but i have never seen it on top of the coco.
I use a mix of 25% perlite to 75% coco as this is an nice airy mix, for good root growth!
Using Greenhouse Powder Feeding, with my coco mix gave me a great roots, no complaints there!
Whilst i was at Strain Hunters I had many years defending Autos and LED lights , both were in their infancy then.
Over the years both Autos and LED's have gone from strength to strengthm, I always knew I would be vindicated in the end!
Growing with coco is a breeze as long as you follow a few rules, nearer the time let me and Tom know, when you switch to coco and we can add our thoughts but in the meantime get some reading done, it always pays to be ahead of the game!
Not everyone like the Greenhouse seed company because they are a very commercial operation and Arjan is a total business man.
Franco was cool and I used to chat to him about this and that but sadly another good'un has been lost from thee canna world.
I really like BOG Seeds (Bushy Old Grower) but they only do photoperiod seeds but if you know Mephisto Genetics, they are a good example of what you can do with photo strains as a lot of their early strains contained genetics from BOG seeds.
Hopefully in the future I would like to make some Auto versions of Subcools, BOG's and Archive Seed bank Strain auto, that would be one in the eye of the nay sayers lol!
I will be watching with great interest to see how the Biofeed works out!
Defently man, I'll be intrested too see what bio feed does for me, yh arjan is a businessman in the making, I hope he put a ton of money in research and development too make this range excellent. I had some thoughts from another hydro store who told me if I started selling the powders, I'd be out of business hahaha. I think its only the bio ra ge which actually does the fluffy thing I'm not sure. Which powder do you use?

It's good you stuck too your passion, as the future is autos and led lights. But I see loads of ck.oanies offering fem x autos making them quick photo period strains.

Yes franco created one really good strain, super lemon haze. I've grown green seeds once and I thi k it was exodus cheese it would incredibly fast strain. They are lacking on the auto side.

I've seen some good work from in house genetics, but they use others crosse them self. Give it a go, why not you could possibly create some excellent strains. If personally take the time and focus in some cbd varieties, and stabilise them. Seriously if would be excellent!!!!

Yes defently will ask, once I got the coco lined up. And coco is a much more neutral medium, and fluffier.

Thanks again brother, stay tuned. Hopefully the next update will be a super one :bighug::d5::cheers::bump:

This is an organic grow, Day 37

, I dont know what the plant in the far left is playing at, I'll give it some more water tomorrow too see if it bounces back, I've got deficiencies showing up, hot some fish mix too fix it all up
Nutes have arrived, let the magic begin, a little late. As I’ve realised for sohum soil you need like 10 gallon pots lol for each plant. And I’ve only got 5 gallons and not filled up too the rim either.

Fish mix, if not the best fertiliser too date, it’s got sugars and full of carbs. Feeding the microbes while making it rich and fatty. This stuff can bring old soil back too life.

the bio powder on the other hand is something i haven’t tried, but rest assured ghs is on top of there game. They got the money too really put the extra effort into r&d and product testing. Not a lot of companies can get half of the things they can done. Hopefully, I can some substantial growth. This is soil end of the day and organic so I’m not expecting big enormous plants. As much as I’d like too. But organic is best for me as I like making extracts and so on.
Day 48

We have had some big problems for the last 10 days and I couldn’t put my finger in it, plants were overwatered and everything went for the worse, I had half my plants turning all yellow, I’m lucky they survived, the reason they did wasn’t bad when they were young was all down too climate, I turned my heater off and thought 25c would be enough, cheap thermometers, well thease plants love 29 plus, so know they’ve started drinking fast again.

Thease will have some nice buds, I’m sure off it.
Plants have survived torment of overwatering throughout there life, they’ve survived and pulling through like warriors, let the last 2 weeks bless me with bountiful and frosty nugz, cleaned out the tent. Looks

Hopefully you get things ironed out, it’s crazy seeing such tiny auto’s coming out of air pots that size! Buds look great! I’m sure you would agree it would be nice seeing a lot more of it!!!!