im enjoying them alot right now iv been using there boost for the last few runs and liked it better than the canna version this will be the first full run with the whole line so i cant comment just yet but iv seen and heard good things from others as for plant health these are maybe the best iv had in a long time so i think il be buying a good supply to use over the next year

Wow yeah they've defently got a good line up including silicon and cal mag and they have aqua zen and which is grower in mind. The only thing Ive found they dont have is a flushing agent. There pretty reasonably priced aswell with there bundle packages. Seems like a lot of research has gone I to the line up rather then simply labeling humid and vulic acids with a 70 dollar price tag on.
Wow yeah they've defently got a good line up including silicon and cal mag and they have aqua zen and which is grower in mind. The only thing Ive found they dont have is a flushing agent. There pretty reasonably priced aswell with there bundle packages. Seems like a lot of research has gone I to the line up rather then simply labeling humid and vulic acids with a 70 dollar price tag on.
i think there dragon force is a flushing agent of sorts you add it in the first week of flush then the final week just water
i think there dragon force is a flushing agent of sorts you add it in the first week of flush then the final week just water

Yes if does makes sense helps finish the plant off a little quicker. Bu giving it all it needs too ripen. So it's like a ripening product. Probably similar too over drive or finisher.
26 days of growth

Gave plants 2ml voodoo juice and 2ml carbo load just too spice things up a little bit.
I have to agree with Tom they look super healthy. Very nice job mate!:thumbsup:
Cannabis likes a WET/ DRY cycle, it is good for aeration.
Allowing the soil to dry out also lets the PH fluctuate abit, so this will help in allowing all the different nutrient to be taken up.
Once the soil has dried out somewhat, top watering helps draw fresh air though the soil to the roots.

Air pots like fabric pots (or any root pruning pots) will dry out quicker than solid wall pots.
So as a rule of thumb it is generally advised to use air pots twice the size of a solid pot one would normally use, in order to stop the soil drying out too fast, or to have to water too often.
Right now the the you ladies look fantastic but best not to let them get too dry!:fire:
As they get to the big girl stage and start to flower , you will find they are drinking much more, this is the time to be careful as it is all to easy for the pot to totally dry out and that could be disastrous.

I like the airdome idea, I have used them in auto pots but not with airpots with no bottom feeding tray.
I can see them being useful if you start to bottom feed at a later date.
However if you don't bottom feed, I'm not sure why to be using them, the airpot as it's name suggests, will not only air prunes the roots but will also allow a lot of air to the root zone.

At the end of the day let your plants tell you what they need, you will soon notice if they demand more water/food or if they may be fussy feeders and want a weaker feed.
There is nothing more satisfying than watching cannabis plants grow, if you run in to problems, someone in the AFN forums will be sure to lend a hand!

I'm liking the squat nature of your plants and I see they are flowering already. I like to grow in this style and there are a few ways of doing this.
However not everyone does, if you want your plants to be taller, then back off the Telos, they are powerful LED lights and to have them too close to your plants, will encourage short stocky growth.
Anyhoo that's my :2cents: and nice to meet you @STICKY_RESIN :welcome::d5::cheers::vibe:
Good luck brother and have a great grow!!:headbang:
I'm overwhelmed too see you guys on hear, it's a honour! thanks for showing love too a fellow small time grower, and many more good times too come.

I would like too welcome both off you guys,@arty zan and @St. Tom some of the best growers on AFN.

All advice is taken on board, hopefully I will succeed. Yes I've raised telos today, so they stretch out more. I've got a habit off over feeding the plants, the air dome and great white have saved me so far. And these 4 seedlings were tough like anything, started them in a hot soil.

So the soil itself was sohum and I mixed some canna seedling mix and bat guana.

So far used mykos, great white and frass, I've ordered some bio bizz fish mix and green house bio bloom too see my way through. This is soil has plenty of macro, micro nutes. It's best too use bigger pots in super soils, but affording 2 bags of sohum, no thank you. Hopefully the green house stuff fire up the plants for the home run

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It is always a pleasure to help new members and by sharing hints and tips, you get to pass them on to other new growers, down the line!
AFN is know for it's sharing and caring attitude and to be able to help other members, this is what makes us a family of growers!
Fish mix is a great vegging feed, if a tiny bit whiffy (lol) but I prefer it to Biobizz Grow.
Way back in time I was a member of Strain Hunters forum and I was one of the first to try Powder Feeding, I really liked it and I had some great results using it! Back then it was just non organic feed. I'm sure the bio bloom will do the same great job!
Super Soil is something I still haven't used or made but I see great results when using it.
From what I ready you can recharge Super Soil, so as time goes on maybe by the extra bag of Sohum and keep building the soil up?
If you are recharging Super Soil, it may be a good idea to run some Cannazyme through it to break up any old root matter.
It is a great shame that we have lost Subcool earlier this year, he was an innovator but ironically, he didn't like autoflowers!
I would encourage you to have a search around on the interweb for Recharging Super Soil Recipes, there is lots to find but I will leave that for you!
:pop: I look forward to seeing how your ladies grow, I've just got in a fresh batch of popcorn!