Indoor Mz.W's perpetual grow...grow journal

ya turning round n growing again?or are you already?

I will be, yeah. Auto Acid is finishing up and should be curing by the time we go on vacation at the end of September. Still have a few beans, and actually 4 more of this dr. green seeds Critical+ so I'll be able to give the strain another go round.

Anthropolis -
That's much better than my last plant lol, and the one I just chopped today isn't looking much better lol :) it'll definitely be less than 6g dry, grrr. Oh well, must keep trying :p Hey I was searching for grow journals on Speed Devil, didn't you grow some? Was curious if you liked it, about to order some.

What are you potted in? Not media wise but container size. This critical has been my smallest plant thus far. In my limited experience, 2-3 gallon pots will give me about a 1/2 ounce of dry smokeable product. And Im by no means an experienced grower so yield could'v'e probably been beter. So if you dont HAVE to keep your grow small, the bigger the pot = the bigger the plant = the bigger the yield. :dunno:

As for the speed devil.
Unfortunately no. I never ended up growing out the strain. I germinated both SD beans I had, but they ended up never coming through the soil.. but Im sure that it wasnt a 'bad batch' of seeds. Im actually 99% positive I let the soil get too dry.
Ever seen a cool whip container full of bud?

I have, lol
And soon, young grasshopper, you will have too. lol

I dont remember when exactly, but I was going through earlier posts and I read one about AA being so big and I was worried she was going to get too tall for the available head room without needing K to make it feasible to hang the HPS from the ceiling (cause you know i've gotta punch him in the face to get him to actually do something lol). It wasn't logged cause I didn't want a bunch of shit from you douche bags (hahahah im kidding, I love all of you!!) for doing it lol but I remember making the decision to switch her to bloom nutes early to cut off the ability for much more growth...and to avoid the headache of trying to get K to move the light lol.
I thiiiiiiiiiiink it was like a week- maybe week and a half after she started flowering that I switched her to bloom nutes.
And then I recalled, reading/being told (I cant remember by who off the top of my head) that they (auto flowers) can finish in the breeder specified times IF you switch to bloom nutes at the onset of flowering, but that the extra 2-3 wks was worth it in extra weight.
So being that I switched her to bloom nutes, pretty much at the onset of flowering - she was going to finish a good deal sooner than 95 days this time.
So Friday was deemed chop day.
And she is definitely the largest haul to date and I'm, so far, not disappointed. Though, I'm still convinced it could have been better - we just need a stronger/more penetrating (giggity) light. Every plant I've brought to harvest, has seemed...airy and light? Idk its weird. You can definitely tell which buds were the closest to the top cause they were getting top billing from the light.
So I demand a bigger HPS lol
Perhaps just doing one in flower at a time. IDK, there's time to figure it out lol.
So I chopped and trimmed and hung her up to dry.
My drying temps were a bit high Friday night into saturday afternoon, but I managed to get it under control pretty quickly once I realized it was 75 in the closet lol When I checked on them it reeked of hay, Im assuming because it was drying too quickly due to it being too warm in there. So once I got the temp to about 71, the sweet scent of fuley fruitloops quickly came back and filled the room again.
And then today she was dry. So I cut her buds off the stem, weighed them, and now they are in jars curing. I might need to take them back out and put them on the drying screen once moisture starts to wick out. Idk, we'll see.
Im moderately worried that she dried in 3 days..but part of me isn't worried because while yea- there was a lot of it, because of that whole light thing I was talking about, she's not very dense at all.
so IDK we'll see.

I'm just pumped to have pulled over an oz lol
:hug: Hi there Mz. W'! ...just a quick Hello and cheek smootch,.... I'll swing by later!... been preoccupied with things at home,... Hope things are well with you! :grin:
Sweet harvest, Well done Ms. W! :kusht:
Please contain your excitement.

She's baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

Mornin' AFN :D
Back from my Hanson Disney World extravaganza..I'll save that for the end and let the suspense kill you ;) mua ha ha
I know you all missed my endless rants, and couldn't WAIT for my return. ;) Well wait no more fellow growers, wait no more haha.

Auto Acid has been treating me well over the last few weeks. Not even sure how long its been since we chopped her, buuut...she's just about gone at this point lol. Cleaned out the grow room yesterday, vacuumed and organized all the crap that was floating around in there lol. I'm going to re-hang all the mylar as well. The walls in there are so fucked from the mess of duct tape, staples and push pins lol. This time though, I fully intend on using velcro to hang it lol.
And I've been thinking about just doing one girl at a time instead of 3 because of that whole light situation I was rambling about before I left lol.
I really feel like the amount of light and/or light intensity isnt the problem though. I think that the area we're growing in is too big and wasn't covered in mylar well enough so any light that the plant could be getting is just bouncing and hitting an area that wasn't reflecting back to the plant. Does that make sense?
Im high leave me alone lol.
I also reaallly need to figure out a convenient way to water the plants without them spewing water out all over the carpet lol. Because now that I refuse to grow in anything less than a 5+ gallon pot (lol) once the plant starts getting sizeable, it gets really hard for me to pick it up. And after it's watered? Forget about it. So transporting across the hall to the bathroom and back to the closet, to water them in the tub is basically out of the question. For a while I was using towels to sop up the water, but as you can imagine that was just as messy...and screwed a whole bunch of towels lol.
Idk I'll have to talk to Kurt. See what he thinks.

And now, the moment you've all been waiting for... lol

Vacation was spec-fucking-tacular. Though there were a few hiccups in the beginning.
Prolly a week before we left, K's dad sent him an email asking if I would mind making some of my delectable candy treats for his Corvette Club charity thing. So the night before we left I had just finished making 32 bags of Pumpkin Pie Oreo Truffles (BEFORE I knew that there were actual pumpkin pie oreos lol) and Very Berry Oreo Truffles, and at this point, I feel I deserve to sit in front of my tv on the couch, with a packed bowl to my left and a big ole plate of pumpkin pie truffles to my right LOL- faaaaaaaaaaaaaaat. Well the pumpkin pie truffles were coated in white chocolate and I went OOOOH I KNOW! I'll make them look like pumpkins! How clever of me! So I coat the top half in orange nonpareil candies with a little green dot on the top.
I bite into one, start chewing, and BAM. I broke a molar. FUCKING NONPAREILS ARE YOU KIDDIN ME?! lol
So now I'm in a disgusting amount of pain so I get some temporary filling stuff at walgreens and immediately email my dentist telling him what happened and that I absolutely HAVE to see him before I leave for vacation the next afternoon by 3pm. And when I email the dentist someone ALWAYS calls me back as soon as they see it.. Lies.
Now granted it was Friday, but dear lord, how many people could have EMAILED THE DENTIST? lol
So we're forced to continue on with vacation with nothing but this temporary filling. But I actually felt 100% better until halfway through the drive I had ANOTHER tooth start throbbing, out of nowhere. So we decided to just see a dentist in FL so I wasnt in pain the entire vacation. 2 root canals later, vacation started lol.
Turned out, we somehow got a free upgrade on the place we were staying. Very similar style, but a whole lot cooler lol. Instead of the killer 3bedroom 2bathroom with private pool place we were going to stay at, turns out we were staying in a 4 bedroom 3bathroom with a bigger private pool AND hot tub. AND game room. shit air hockey, foozeball table, little mini pool table...fucking sweet. 20141003_102735.jpg20140928_101319.jpg20140928_174554.jpg20140930_235119.jpg20140928_102658.jpg
There was however a downside here if you can believe it.

The Hanson show was spectacular. I don't think there would've been a bad seat in the house, but of course I made him get reserved seating with an $80 a plate dinner package at Epcot lmfao :roflcry:
this ^^^was from the very back of the seating area from almost as far away as you could be standing lol So even without the dinner package, would have still had a great view of the stage lol.
But. No, really. it's not funny lol but we both laughed at how small the area the were playing was but figured the dinner package was worth it in the long run, cause we ate GOOD lol. I wish we'd taken pictures there cause it was the coolest Japanese place....*side note- did you know that Disney hires college kids from around the world to work in their respective countries at Epcot to make them seem/feel more authentic? I thought that was so cool. Until the hostess opened her mouth and I couldn't make out anything but 'sank oo' lol But K said the sushi was almost as good as it was when he was in actual Japan lol. It was certainly the best sushi I'd ever had..and there was SO much of it lol Ain't no China Buffet here bitches! lol K made me order a Sake-Rita cause he read reviews that it was awesome. I took a tiny sip and gave it to him. No thank you, Sake-Rita. You can have that lol. Everytime I drink something that has alcohol in it, whether its beer or a mixed drink, wine whatever. I tend to question how in the world alcoholics exist lol. Alcohol is the foulest tasting shit, I don't know how people can drink it.
20141001_145907.jpg mmm....hops, lol. those clever boys ;) I didn't try it, but K did. this was our conversation lol
he said "Wow."
me "Whassat?"
him "Them boys sure know how to brew a good beer."
me "Oh yea?"
him "Yea...*drinks* it's actually really good. Reminds me a bit of dogfish head. *drinks* yeah... If I went to buy beer and I saw Dogfish Head and Mmmhops, I'd be forced to buy two 6packs."
lol <33
Your so hardcore man!!Your rocked a Hanson show!!Respect!!:grat:
:crying: wouldnt be complete without florida Spiders too right?!fat burly ole bastages too.LOL!

Welcome back!!Sounds like ya deserve that bowl of ,AND treats :)
Funny, I was going to post on the Stoner thread yesterday, " Where did the Wild Ladies disappear to??? " LOL! Good to see you back! :Sharing One:
Your so hardcore man!!Your rocked a Hanson show!!Respect!!
That's right ;)

Where did the Wild Ladies disappear to??? " LOL! Good to see you back!
LOL! The wild ladies...i like it lol. still not sure where mz chandyside is hiding though...
I feel like such a noob even asking this lol

I was gonna post this in the lighting section, but figured I ramble too much, post it in your own journal and cross your fingers lmao.

After almost a year of growing, Im now thoroughly convinced that the amount of available light to available space ratio is horribly off and is in turn killing my yields.

Don't get it twisted though, I've known since my very first bagseed practice grow, that the light:space ratio was off and that the closet we're growing in is FAR from perfect (even still), but didn't quite realize how much it was all affecting my girls.
-Very first harvest I can't really consider because it was all done with CFL and they were photo's that were pulled WAY too early, and that whole...not knowing wtf I was doing lol. So I ended up barely pulled an oz off 2 photos and a clone.
- Second harvest cant really be counted either, since I wasn't able to properly pH with those stupid drops and the pH was messed up their entire life on all 3 of them, and they were all in 2-3 gallon pots, but the 3 of them ended up giving me about a half (give or take a few grams) per plant.
-This last time around though, I feel like I had everything I needed to do it right and pull a solid yield.
A solid nutrient plan, an Oakton pH meter, pH up and down, good soil, a 250W MH and HPS plus all the cfl from the first grow, covered the walls and a section of the floor in mylar, thermometer/hydrometer, 5 gallon pots, humidifier....
It's not the quality of the weed I don't like, it's the amount that Im getting.

So WHHHHHHY am I not getting it?

So it could be that it's because I'm growing 1st generation autoflowers. Every strain that we got when we ordered the beans also has a sister strain. Example? Big Devil. Also has Big Devil 2 Big Devil it's possible that I just ordered an unfortunate set of strains lol
It could also be the fact that I would have two plants (in different stages of flower) under the HPS (and one in veg on the other side of the closet with CFL) and a 250W HPS with supplemental CFL side lights, just isn't cutting the cake for the monsters I've been getting with a 5gal. (at least theyre monsters to me lol).
It could be, that a 250W would be fine for 2 plants....if I were using a smaller area. But that would mean forcing smaller plants, correct? And smaller plants lessens my yield regardless lol.

so what do I do? I'm counting on you to make decisions for me