I went in my grow area this morning and looked close. I found one RRF that had "balls". It's pretty obvious.
My other RRF, I can see the white "eyelashes" you all talk about and no sign anywhere on the plant of "balls".
My biggest Mi5 also has "eyelashes' and no visible signs of "balls" anywhere.
My other Mi5 is not as big and I can't tell what the sex is.
My AA is also too small at this point to tell.
I have included a bad picture of my one MALE... It is poor quality, but I think it's good enough for you all to see it's a male.
I will get better pics on Thursday of all of them. If I am correct and this is a
male, I guess I should pull it immediately before it starts opening right?
Also, I did raise my light. If I am right about the sex, which I am pretty sure I am, I am very happy and relieved to have 2 females out of 3 plants so far.
I am pretty sure this is male... Like I said, if it is I am pretty sure the others are female...!