New Grower My very first grow!! :D

Nice, nice nice!
Took the lower leaves of, any input would be great!
Don't do that. :naughtystep::naughtystep: :funny: Think of leaves like the engine that drives your plant. Light and nutes are the fuel, the leaves turn it into energy for growth. If I had a big block V8, I would have bought it for speed and power. I would not cut off plug wires to enhance performance. :grrr2: Some do trim autos, most don't, and I think it's a bad idea unless you're a very advanced grower (and even then I'd shake my head).
Kudos for adding the extra gals! You can put bricks under them to level out your canopy so they get max light, I do it all the time, and well worth the effort.
:face: I just noticed you don't have drain pans under your pots. I use wally world plastic tubs, with wire racks in the bottom to keep them out of the run off. Your older gals are big enough, you should be getting between 10-20% run off when you water. It helps flush salts from the soil, and pulls fresh O2 into the root zone.
Not trying to lecture, you're doing great! :greenthumb:
Well I did read a lot about trimming and I thought it made sense to take the leaves of, that wouldn't be getting any light anyway, so the plant would put the energy in somewhere else..

Good idea, we bought the lights so It could be angled for maximum footprint :)

Didn't even think about that! Don't worry, I'm eager to learn, so any advice is greatly appreciated :D
My boyfriend is the handyman in all this, I'm the brainiac [emoji14] So nothing much has happened since my last pic.
, it's leaves kinda reminds me of shiva leaves..
Took the lower leaves of, any input would be great!

Look great. I personally wouldn't take healthy leaves off unless necessary. Those big lower fans are the fuel for your buds. What about bending them over a little instead and exposing light that way?
Yikes. Yip cutting off healthy leaves is a big no no. Even if they are at the bottom of the plant getting zero light. The plant will sense this and it will suck all the nutrients out of the leave and when it's done the leaf will fall off. At that stage you can pick up the dead leaf and put it in the rubbish so mold doesn't eventually grow on it. There are a few very unusual circumstances in which removing leaves is a good thing, but definitely by far and away it's more beneficially leaving them on. Until you've got at least 2-3 years growing under your belt don't even consider removing leaves. You'll only be setting your plants back and making the harvest a few percent less for yourself.

Next is it possible for you to take photos of the plants in natural light once in a while? Very difficult for any of the pros to tell how well your plants are doing under the purple light cast from the leds. In the natural light we can give advice on the health and colour of the leaves.
I'll try and take some in daylight, and thanks for the feedback! :)
But first, more space disko pics! [emoji14]
So two of the new babies have decided to join the party! :D
Hi again. The pictures are a big better cus now I can see the colours. Would be good if I could blow them up a bit as see them in greater detail.

So they look okay. No major issues. Two things I notice. 1) they seem a tad droopy. Could be a sign that that need a watering. 2) the growing tips are a touch too yellow for my liking. It's good because they're growing fast, but maybe they need a touch more nutrients.
So without all the facts looking at those images I would guess (and I could be wrong because I don't have all the facts) that they could do with slightly less time in between feeding/watering and the nutrient strength could be increased slightly more and then increased by tiny increments each and every time you feed, like 0.1 ml increases.

Couple of questions.

What is the humidity and temperature ranges?

Do you incrementally increase the nutrient strength over time?