Outdoor my PAK HOUSE journal 2011

Sep 1, 2011
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hey guys and gals as i said on my last thread green house is up and going finished it all today and not a day to soon my PAKS needed to get into some soil and light quick.never really done a journal before so hang with me and if you have any Q's fire away.

ok so 10 seeds sprung some tails and 5 not yet but threw them in the soil anyway and see how they go.

now i've cheated alittle and bought some premium potting mix with slow realease fert in it only because i've had very good results with it before so i know i wont be haveing any soil probs.however for my other crops i'm trying alittle test the 3 pots in the back are my own organic mix.differant mix ratio in each pot to see how these ladies like organic mix and then i know what mix i'll be using for my other outdoor plots.i could only get 14 5gallon pots done today but will be adding another 1 tommorow.

the green house as you can see has seen better days but is still very sturdy lol.as you can see i have a mist system setup in there for those hot days.

cant really think of anything else at the moment but if i've missed something which i prob have let me know and if you have any Q'S fire away.


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cheers for the pm wiz.post it up so everyone can see mate this is a learning journey for me to.so as wiz has strongly reccomended to germinate in just straight organic mix or seed starter which i have both of.dumbass me lol.i have always done it this way so not sure if its the auto's and they dont like it one bit at all.will be very carefully getting seeds out in the mourning and just using straight organic mix.would it be safe to dig a good handfull out of each of my potting mix and orgainc mix and replaceing it just straight organic soil with no fert or anything in it and replant seeds or am i just best to place them in seedling trays with seed started or organic mix.
Cheers Bro..I didn't want to upset you in thread..that was why I mailed..

here you go..

Ay..outdoor_king...I have hung about for 10 minutes not knowing whether to
post this or not..I don't want to rain on your parade..
now i've cheated alittle and
bought some premium potting mix with slow realease fert in it only
because i've had very good
results with it before so i know i wont be
haveing any soil probs

That is the WORST thing you could do for them.

Compo with added
ferts is TOO STRONG for germing into.
It will cause stumpies.

It is
for established plants and transplants.

IF you
can...always..always..germ into Plain..Universal potting compost..
or seed

Sorry Bro..but I need to tell you to save you making basic

There are more people in the forum Harming their Auto with Over-loving..over ferting them...gotta STOP...:wiz:

---------- Post added 09-27-2011 at 03:03 PM ----------

Speed & Safety for them....:thumbs:
good luck with this one mate and looking forward to watching it grow with you - will hopefully have some PAKs up and running myself soon so will be very interested in this one. Good to see another Aussie on here as well.
thanks glaucoma like wise mate always good to meet a fellow aussie grower.so wiz can i just grab out a handfull from each bag and replaceing it with straight organic mix or seed starter or should i just place them all in seed trays until there up looking nice and healthy before placeing back in grow bags.i can do it now but dont really want to go out there with a torch atm can i wait till mourning or would they be stressing alittle now.
abit of an update when i went to get the seeds out the smourning 12 have come up.i still dug out abit more of a handfull of soil out of each pot and replaced with seed starter and the PAK sprouts where replanted very carefully.hopefully didnt stress them out to much.
abit of an update when i went to get the seeds out the smourning 12 have come up.i still dug out abit more of a handfull of soil out of each pot and replaced with seed starter and the PAK sprouts where replanted very carefully.hopefully didnt stress them out to much.
I think that was a smart move. keep them damp not soaked and place water on the inside on the starter soil. I think that will keep all the fetz. from reaching your seedlings until they are established. Kudos on the green house. I cant wait to get mine finished.
I think that was a smart move. keep them damp not soaked and place water on the inside on the starter soil. I think that will keep all the fetz. from reaching your seedlings until they are established. Kudos on the green house. I cant wait to get mine finished.

yer mate was planning on watering them just like that but it decided to rain today lol just my luck but 10 have sprouted and are nice and green so fingers crossed all will be well.
10 out of 15 PAK sprouted and are nice and healthy.i need 15 sprouts so i thought i'd mix things up and germinate 6 JEM'S and this time once they show tails i'll be chucking them straight into seed starter mix.learnt my lesson i'm thankfull i got 10 healthy sprouts.