New Grower My little lady's on lean!

Hi Bigmike - Some good tips in here.

I would get a toothpick or chop a straw in half, moisten the coco a little so you can push it down by the stem and attach it with a sandwich bag tie.

It probably stetched a little becuase of the light being too high or not powerful enough - in future, you can build up the young stem strenght by having a fan gently blowing across it from when it pops it's head. Just a gently rocking for birth will strengthen it. Once the roots are put down and the stem has grown a little, it shouldnt be problem.

I always keep a movement fan on - not only does it strenghthen the stems, but later on in the grow, keeps my buds from molding.

Happy growing! :)
All the best

Blue ^_^

I agree with the fan is a must! But about the support, dont you think is already tall enough to just support it with stick rather to buried it? Am not an expert ofc, actualy i am a beginner but i studied enought and have worked with garden generally besides cannabis :)
But about the support, dont you think is already tall enough to just support it with stick rather to buried it?

With the best wishes, and no bad feeling meant at all, i really think the toothpick method will be better here. The stalk is so skinny and tall and the leaves will be growing quickly. With out any support, the next time the plant is sprayed, the leaves wiil be too heavy and it will fall on the soil.

It's a horrible thing to see lol .. I nearly cried when it happened to my GirlScout Cookie, but a quick tie up and 2 week later take it off and all is well again.

I've tried building mounds to support stems - but the top layer of coco is gonna dry out so quickly anyway - it'll probably just blow away lol or be too dry to really support.


And Welcome to AFN by the way Goodcat! :) :hug: Give us a shout if you need any help around th forums
Thanks very much for the welcoming Blue! I am very glad to be a member of this forum!
Of course there is no bad feelings! :) hehe i am here to learn and thanks very much for the information! Its all about sharing knowledge right? :) :Sharing One:
Its all about sharing knowledge right? :)

Yeah!! :D All good Goodcat! I learned everything i know from AFN and its members! :)

Thanks Aunty Mossy and AFN!! "AFN smoke out"
All the information that has been given has been helpful. I think I'll try between the two methods. I have some wood kabob skewers I could chop up to hold her with, and more coco I could add.

Alas, she's not doing very well. She's gotten worst since the last time we spoke. As soon as I get off work, I will apply the suggestions given to me.

I appreciate you all coming to my aid as fast as you did.