New Grower My little lady's on lean!

Dec 13, 2014
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I go to check on my girl's progress and my AK-49 is leaning over. Does anyone know what's going on here?

All advice is much appreciated.

I have it in a mixed soil with coco on top and a local super soil mix. Havent given any thing but water. What do I do for this problem?


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Mike I'm brand new at this and really shouldn't be answering your post, but to me and what Ive read and seen so far here is possibly your lights are too high for the age of her and she has stretched to much too soon. I hope the ones with knowledge will be able to straighten her out. Good luck from one newbie to another.
I never thought off that. So should I put them closer to the light? I was thinking about tying her up right with a stick.
Yeah she does look to have stretched alot, how long is that stem, it's possible that where she has stretched so high the stem is not strong enough to take the weight of the leaves. You can use a stick to tie her up but be gentle, and make sure not to push the stick straight down into her roots. You also will need the lights closer to stop her stretching more, how close depends on your power and type of light, more info can be found on that in the lighting section of the forum.
I had a similar situation with my previous grow where the seedling stretched and fell over. I buried most of the stem in some new soil and got the lighting in check. When the seedling had grown a bit more I bent her back over the pot to the opposite side.

This way she grew extra roots from the buried stem and the rest of her stem got thick and strong. Also a nice start for LST. I recommend considering this as an option.

Thanx for the advice. I do have more coco, so I guess I'll add more. Instead of pushing the stick down, I'll just add it with the soil. I have two more autos that I think I should elevate as well. Sure hope this helps.

I will keep you guys updated. Thanx a bunch!
Yeah bro, both methods would work but Weiner Woods is the best way to go as is alot safer and will improve growth more, completely passed through my mind as it was late when I posted and my heads not 100% in the game at the moment.

This will stop the lean for sure, and once you get the height of the lights sorted it won't be happening again, just remember to keep checking the lights regularly and adjust the height as needed little by little as she grows.

Apart from that off to a good start and best of luck with the rest of the grow.
Bro my advice is to buried asap almost 2 cm from the first leaves.:Cool bud: If you dont, as soon as the plant grows and gets bigger will fall because of the weaken stem. Also a lot of energy the plant will spend to try to support its stem.
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Another great thing about burying most of your stem besides stability is the stem will grow roots. know the saying, big roots big fruits
Hi Bigmike - Some good tips in here.

I would get a toothpick or chop a straw in half, moisten the coco a little so you can push it down by the stem and attach it with a sandwich bag tie.

It probably stetched a little becuase of the light being too high or not powerful enough - in future, you can build up the young stem strenght by having a fan gently blowing across it from when it pops it's head. Just a gently rocking for birth will strengthen it. Once the roots are put down and the stem has grown a little, it shouldnt be problem.

I always keep a movement fan on - not only does it strenghthen the stems, but later on in the grow, keeps my buds from molding.

Happy growing! :)
All the best

Blue ^_^