Live Stoner Chat My Kingdom for a company that accepts credit cards!!!

OES ( ) takes Cc they dont have as wide a selection but I would bet if you ask they might try to get you products. Might cost a bit more but no cim issues and no bitcoin. Which, btw, bitcoin is an even less secure method. Bitcoin is as secure as using a megaphone to whisper your payment to the other person using a shitty Donald duck voice. But at least it's some way to pay them if you need to and you dont mind having a permanent track record that everyone can see.
@Johnny CannaSeed can you possibly be of help here?
Go ahead and place your order and then they'll call you or you can call them and they'll take your card over the phone
Don't mind the paper trail I'm no longer a criminal 45 years is a hard habit to break
I don't like sending cash via mail. Also, I am not getting into bitcoin, I do not trust that method.
You may not like sending cash, but that could well be the best option actually available.

Sending/shipping cash is as reliable as whatever delivery method you use, which besides USPS certified mail could also be comparable tracked and sing-upon-receipt Fedex, UPS or probably other delivery services now (in the US). People and businesses routinely send a lot more valuable stuff (computers, negotiable stocks/bonds, gold, jewelry; i.d.'s and passports, personal information, etc.) than what you are concerned with, with no problems. And you can get insurance, if you claim sending something other than cash.

U.S. postal money orders are simple and 100% reliable, and are probably what you really want to use, if your worries with the mail are about loss or theft of cash. Some seed banks will take these, such as a few months ago I bought seeds from the D.C. Seed Exchange.
I just placed an order with new420guy....
I just placed an order with new420guy....

man, what a trip! haha :rofl: i was JUST readin a thread about new420guy by complete random occurence & then u post this, lol :smoking: he'z in cali, right-? and me assume if u ordered, he takez cc'z-? :confused1: ppp
Yes he takes CC's....
You got it bro!