New Grower My (first) rubbermaid stealth grow journal!

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I think that is really good advice. I grow in promix 50% mixed with coco. I like it a lot but I would grow in anything Muddy reccommended without giving it a second thought.

Whatever size of pot I use fills up with root s like it wants more room. That is a good sign. I typically grow in 10 gallon pots and by harvest time they are full of roots. My wife does the same and top dresses with a lot of shrimp compost. Hers do wery well also. I just dump on the chemical fertilizer. Both methods really work well.

All my containers are within range of my hose. Makes growing 75% easier. Hauling water is such a drag. A friend of mine layed 400 ft of plastic pipe 1" diameter stuff into his woods to pump the water to his plants. The grass and weeds over grew the pipe. I don't think he could find it now after ten years never mind the cops or thieves. It is still working for him. To me solve your water delivery everything else will be very secondary.

Looking good. Perlite is the bits of white material you can see in your soil. It's very good for holding moisture and oxygen in your soil plus it helps to keep the soil loose so it doesn't compact so easily. Check nurseries and garden centers for good soil mixes. Pro Mix and Sunshine mix are to good ones to look for. Also check Ace Hardware. Some people are also finding Pro Mix there. Look for something that is predominately composed of sphagnum peat moss and perlite. Stay away from anything that contains slow release nutrients.
Thanks for the info! I have a nursery right near my house and I didn't even think of going there! Ill look for pro mix and ill transfer the plants as soon as I have it.

Any tips or tricks to transferring the plants to the bigger 8inch pots?
I did some research and I figure, since the plants are still very small and don't have much of a root system, was to fill the new pots with new soil and leave a hole in the center of each pot few inches deep; Then i'd water the plants so the soil doesn't just crumble apart; then I'd use my hands to lightly pinch some soil around and under the base of the plants and place the plants, with a very small amount of their original soil, into the holes I made in their new pots; then add a little more soil around the base of them, and water them. Anyone think there's an easier or less risky way to do this?

Also check out the new pics of my grow box setup! You can see different aspects of my box such as the exhaust fan; half of the intake holes, some of the reflective tape I got done; and the plants! They're both about 1cm tall now, one is clearly growing slightly faster than the other.
I decided to personally name them, since I didn't mark which one is which, and its WAY to early to tell. The one that has 4 visible leaves is named Stinky, and the smaller one is named Stanky:lol: ! Once they're bigger we can easily figure out the difference between snowryder, and speed devil #2.
I really appreciate the help you guys have been giving! I don't know what I'd do without this great forum!!:D:thumbs:
Ill be updating again very soon with the results of the transfer!

Insidefinal.jpgStinky2.jpgStinky.jpgStanky3.jpgStanky2.jpgStanky.jpgReflective.jpgOutsideboxx.jpgIntake1.jpgExhaustfan.jpgInside&fan.jpgTop of box.jpg
I really don't think there is much to do with small to larger pot tranfer. I let the plants tell me when. When the roots get to the bottom of the pot it is time and all the soil just comes with the root system. It seems to work better going through all the different size pots on the way up to the final pot. I go from 4" sq to 1 gallon and then to 3 gallon and then to the final size. I am sure other ways work fine just telling you my steps. Wicked good luck with it man.
Oh and i almost forgot! How often and how much should i water these guys at this stage? I've been using a spray bottle and been giving them a good 4-5 sprays every time their soil looks dry...Im afraid that I'm over watering them but when i dig a little deeper into the pot the soil isn't really wet... Any tips on watering these guys will be very helpful! Thanks!!
I think it is getting used to how much a plant weighs when it needs water and how much it weighs when it is just dry on top. Don't spray the plants water the shit out of it until water runs out the bottom on the pot. Pick it up and feel how much it weighs. Let it go for about three daqys and pick it up and if it feels a lot lighter water it again. If it still wieghs a lot don't water it. If you want to experiment just fill up two pots (without plants) water one and don't water the other. Feel the difference in weight. Then pick it up again and feel the difference a few days later.

Plants can also tell you when they need water. They start to droop a sure sign they need water bad. I don't recommend that you take them down to droopy cause it will often fill the very small roots and you don't want to do that. You will just have to get a feel for watering. Good growers have to learn this.
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great advice nelson... I'd only add that another easy way to tell is insert your finger in the pot about 2 inches from the edge... to the second knuckle... if the tip of your finger feels moist, they are ok... it if starts to feel dry, they need water.

Allright I've been doing the weight test and the finger test, it is pretty easy to tell when they need watering just cause of the weight! thanks for the info!:thumbs:
I took some new pics today, You can see that the first 2 leaves on each are curling slightly, I'm guessing that is because of the amount of nutes in the Miracle-Gro soil, right? Ill definitely go to the nursery today and look for pro mix or sunshine mix, and ill transfer these guys to bigger pots with the better soil as soon as I get good soil!

EDIT: I forgot to ask; I was thinking of investing in a better light for these guys because all these bulbs and power strips are a pain in my ass!! I don't have much of a budget, I'm looking to spend under $100, preferably around $50-$60. I found this 125watt CFL for $50 It has good reviews and is a extremely good price. Let me know of any good sites and products you guys know of! Thanks!!!!
Yeah, good for you learning that one makes you an expert like me cause I know fuck all else. I learned that from Muddy. I steal my growing skills from this web site and half my genetics.

Allright I've been doing the weight test and the finger test, it is pretty easy to tell when they need watering just cause of the weight! thanks for the info!:thumbs:
I took some new pics today, You can see that the first 2 leaves on each are curling slightly, I'm guessing that is because of the amount of nutes in the Miracle-Gro soil, right? Ill definitely go to the nursery today and look for pro mix or sunshine mix, and ill transfer these guys to bigger pots with the better soil as soon as I get good soil!
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EDIT: I forgot to ask; I was thinking of investing in a better light for these guys because all these bulbs and power strips are a pain in my ass!! I don't have much of a budget, I'm looking to spend under $100, preferably around $50-$60. I found this 125watt CFL for $50 It has good reviews and is a extremely good price. Let me know of any good sites and products you guys know of! Thanks!!!!
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Well heres another picture update on 3/14! they're looking good, still didn't get rid of the MG soil! Ill do it as soon as i get a few bucks in my pocket lol
Yeah that seems to be where I'm learning almost everything too!