New Grower My first grow, need some help.

Jan 20, 2015
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Hey guys.

Has been a period of several months I surf the forum here and interested and I decided to start to raise my Ganja, myself. "Bailers Booya"
I have some seeds female got from a friend who was in Amsterdam (bought them from KIWISEEDS).

I want to grow 1 flower with the "micro grow" method.
After thorough research here on the site, i still have things i didnt understand yet.

Dimensions growth room:
Height: 80 cm.
Depth: 40 cm.
Width "25 cm.

Now a few questions:

1. What CFL bulbs should I use and how much Wat each (or a good bulb recommendation that more appropriate)?
2. Do automatic plant species need 1 bulb for the growth phase and 1 for the flowering?
3. What is the most recommended spectrum?
4.What is the light cycle required for automatic species? 18/6 any time will do the job?
5.ham lobe JL prevents odors at 100%?
6. Is my growth area is enough for 1 plant (or more)?
7. Should I fertilize automatic varieties? (If so I would be happy to guide recommendation and good fertilizer)

I'd love to your response, thank you very much!
Hi There! :)

Welcome to AFN!

:welcome: :welcome: :welcome:

1. What CFL bulbs should I use and how much Wat each (or a good bulb recommendation that more appropriate)?

Usually i like to recommend the big CFL bulbs (like 150w) but with the space you have, you'll struggle to fit one in. I would suggest 2 or three 25w (true watt .. not "equivalent") spaced out around the plant. I would get 2x 2700k bulbs and one 6000k bulb

Paint the inside of the box either flat white or line it with mylar to get as much reflection as possible (even the inside top as i doubt you'll fit a reflector in there)

2. Do automatic plant species need 1 bulb for the growth phase and 1 for the flowering?
No you can use the same bulb all the way thhrough if you need to. It's commonly percieved that 6000k is for Veg and 2700k is for flowering, but with a auto you can veg and flower under either or both or mixed spectrums.
3. What is the most recommended spectrum?
More lumens are put out at 2700k - so if you only went with one, i would say 2700k

4.What is the light cycle required for automatic species? 18/6 any time will do the job?
12/12 18/6 20/4 ... 24/0 they all work - more light means more production time. Some people think all plants need a rest, some people say autos are fine 24h all the way. I personally use 20 on and 4 off to save a bit of elecrticity and give them a break.

5.ham lobe JL prevents odors at 100%?
I dont know what this means - sorry! I suggest a good out take fan and carbon filter to remove smells - even with a tiny cab I have ways of making it work for you!

6. Is my growth area is enough for 1 plant (or more)?
Only one plant really. You'll need about 30cm height for a 6 litre pot leaving only 50 cm max for growing space. You'll want to learn about keeping plants low using LST (low stress training)

7. Should I fertilize automatic varieties? (If so I would be happy to guide recommendation and good fertilizer)
Yes .. but not too early and only at about 1/4 of the recommend strenght on the bottle.

Good luck with the first grow! Why not pop up a hello over at introductions for a nice warm welcome from our members!

All the best
Blue ^_^

WOW thank you so much for the very quick response.
in #6 question i ment "Are the 'ONA gel' neutralizes odors by hundred percent?"

thank you again :)
No worries buddy :)

The ona Gel only masks the smell. It doesnt really netralise.

AND it's really smelly - so if i walked past a room and smelled it - I'd know you were growing! :)

The best thing for you is a "reverse carbon filter setup"

You'll need a good out take fan and a good carbon filter - a kit should cost you around £150(ish) to buy something usefull.

The Cabon filter will sit on the floor outside the box. The fan will sit ontop the filter blowing down into it. You'll have ducting from the top of the fan connected to a hole in the top side of your cab.
You'll need a hole in the bottom (opposit side to your carbon filter ducting hole) so that air can be sucked up by the fan and filter.

If this is confusing i can draw you a picture! :)
I would be grateful if you draw me a picture.
and a link to the system would be awesome

One planter can make a lot of smell?

one plant can be indeed smelly unless it's a ow odour strain.
Right now I have 1 you can barely smell at all, but even with low odour strains you need to be lucky since it's not a 100% guarantee you'll have a non-smelly one!
I have had great results from a small desktop hepa filter that I had slightly modified. I removed the hepa filter material and replaced it with activated carbon held in place by two screens. The filter is about 3/4" thick with carbon. When it's running the smell is only noticable in the immediate grow area but if I turn it off even a short while there is no missing the funk lol. Cost me about $40 and has done good work for over a month. I expect it to last quite sometime with nothing more than a $3 activated carbon change. Very acceptable noise level since the machine is designed to work in living areas of your home and even after the filter mod I'm still getting strong airflow which is an added bonus IMO. A carbon filter setup as mentioned above would be a major improvement but might be overkill considering the noise they can produce when only concealing 1-2 girls ;)