New Grower My First Grow. Finally. Feedback appreciated!

Thanks for linking that! It’s consistent with my plan, so that’s reassuring. My only question was whether or not I should slowly saturate the soil again before transplanting, since it’ll have been a good five days probably. It’s definitely not dried out but it’s drier by the day.

I think what I’ll do is:

1. As soon as (if?) these damn seeds initially pop, I’ll slowly water to a bit of runoff again.
2. I’ll test the runoff PH so I have an idea how to adjust the PH of my next full watering. I want to get my soil runoff between 6.3 and 6.5.
3. I’ll let the saturated soil sit in the tent under the lights while the tap roots extend for a day or so.
4. I’ll transplant when the tap roots are a quarter to a half an inch into the pots which will be moist but not soaking and tempered properly.
5. I’ll lightly mist each day until I see my babies emerge under the clear plastic cups I’m using as domes.
6. I’ll very lightly water around the sprouts once a day until I’m in need of a full watering again. Just a capful of water or so max.
7. When the pots are about half weight, I’ll water with PHed water informed by my previous soil PH and check my runoff again to see how its PH was affected and again adjust my approach for the next watering.

So much to learn here! For my first grow, I’m trying to be diligent about a few key factors:

1. Control temperature
2. Control humidity
3. Know my soil’s PH and learn how to adjust water to keep it as close to 6.3-6.5 as I can.
4. Don’t overwater
5. Don’t overfeed
6. Give them as much light as they’ll take but not too much

I know there’s more to it than that, but I think if I keep those things in mind and control them as carefully as a newb can manage, I’ll be okay.

u forgot the most important thing....

:smokeit: ppp
A quick question: A few days ago I'd pre-watered my 5-gallon pots, as I'd read it's good to do that the day before planting. I did this as I had expected my germinating seeds to pop more quickly than they have -- still waiting there.

Obviously those pots have dried out to some extent.

Should I saturate all of the soil and let it sit for a night again once I see tap roots and know I'm close to being ready to plant? I'm hoping these babies pop by tomorrow morning.

I just soak my seeds for 24 hrs and then plant them. They are usually popped open by then, but not always.. 2-3 days later and generally they are all up.
FFoF uncut with anything lighter will take a couple days to dry out (depending on the environment) if watered thoroughly till water comes out of the bottom and the pot is heavy..
I dont lift my pots off the ground inside their trays unless I water and whatever comes out of the bottom isnt taken back up by the pot in an hour or so. Cloth pots are pretty hard to overwater. if youre planting directly into your final pot... just cover the seedling mix area with some sort of makeshift dome like a clear water bottle with the bottom
cut off or something until the seedlings pop up and shed their shell and get their first set of leaves.. Then remove the cover and make sure the seedling mix doesnt get too dry...there is a learning curve involved as far as proper watering amounts etc,, Everyone can tell you what to do and how to do it, but ultimately, youll have to get the feel for it through trial and error. I generally keep my 5 gallon cloth pots uniformly moistened from the day I plant my seeds because I use living organic soil and I dont want my soil life to die back.. Ocean forrest can be treated in a similar way especially in cloth pots.
I just soak my seeds for 24 hrs and then plant them. They are usually popped open by then, but not always.. 2-3 days later and generally they are all up.
FFoF uncut with anything lighter will take a couple days to dry out (depending on the environment) if watered thoroughly till water comes out of the bottom and the pot is heavy..
I dont lift my pots off the ground inside their trays unless I water and whatever comes out of the bottom isnt taken back up by the pot in an hour or so. Cloth pots are pretty hard to overwater. if youre planting directly into your final pot... just cover the seedling mix area with some sort of makeshift dome like a clear water bottle with the bottom
cut off or something until the seedlings pop up and shed their shell and get their first set of leaves.. Then remove the cover and make sure the seedling mix doesnt get too dry...there is a learning curve involved as far as proper watering amounts etc,, Everyone can tell you what to do and how to do it, but ultimately, youll have to get the feel for it through trial and error. I generally keep my 5 gallon cloth pots uniformly moistened from the day I plant my seeds because I use living organic soil and I dont want my soil life to die back.. Ocean forrest can be treated in a similar way especially in cloth pots.
Awesome and helpful post — thank you!
Anyway, I'm in a prohibition state and have nobody to talk to about this -- my wife is tired of hearing about it, I think -- so hopefully some of y'all will chip in some advice for this genuine newb along the way. More posts to come....

We have the same problem LOL my woman is tired of hearing it but is to nice to say anything.

Love your journal so far! You have everything needed for a good grow just ask away and read other journals for new ideas (what i do)
Can't wait to see how you do, goodluck.
How did you get that screen on govee? is that what it looks like if i set alarms for temp/RH? i did change mine to dark mode just now and i like it :smoking:

View attachment 1305129

When I'm in my Govee app, in the same screen that you are showing, at the top left corner there is a back arrow that will change to what indicalla's post was showing.
When I'm in my Govee app, in the same screen that you are showing, at the top left corner there is a back arrow that will change to what indicalla's post was showing.

Thank you i see it now, the little box top right under the + sign turns it like that.
I would not worry about the runoff ph or the soil ph. Just water in at the correct value and same with adding nutrients. Add your nutes to your water then check and adjust ph again. Having the water at the correct ph is to make the nutrients available to the plant.
Thank you i see it now, the little box top right under the + sign turns it like that.
Yep. That’s a dope little instrument. I like being able to whip my phone out and check current conditions without having to go downstairs.